Brewer Machine & Parts LLC
Brewer BR-710
Brewer BR-710
Take better control of lumber with undercut saws sawing against the dog feed allowing running of boards and cants with the Brewer Under-Cut Trim Saw. Many features and options built to increase productivity and lower operating costs.
- 18" to 30” carbide tipped saws with 6" collars
- Saws adjust freely from front or back with rack & pinion drive with heavy duty lock downs to prevent movement during operation
- Aluminum dogs with heavy duty chain powered by variable speed hydraulic system enables you to control speed of material
- All necessary controls located in operator panel with main disconnect circuit breaker starters for each motor
- All components are heavy duty
- Cutting Specs
- Available with Maximum board or cant length up to 20'
- Minimum board or cant length 24"
- Available with Maximum thickness of cut 6" with 24" blades or 9” with 30” blades
- Minimum thickness of cut 5/8"
- (2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7) saw units each with 5HP to 20HP 1800 RPM TEFC motor
- 18" to 30” carbide tipped saws with 6" collars
- (2) 1 5/8" arbor bearings
- (2) belt drive
- Saws adjust freely from front or back with rack & pinion drive with heavy duty lock downs to prevent movement during operation
- Tracking on 3 1/2" V-wheels for precise alignment & eliminates sawdust buildup on main rails
- Rolls
- Product rolls are 5 1/2" diameter steel rolls
- 1 7/16" bearings, # 60 chain and bushed sprockets powered by hydraulic system
- 6" structural frame with fence on one side - all components are heavy duty.
- Product rolls are 5 1/2" rolls, 1 7/16" bearings and B belt and pulley drive
- Powered by two hydraulic motors, one at each end with variable speed feed
- Drive belts will have lever activated idler pulleys between rolls, behind center trim saw body’s to determine split of power train location & allow separation of direction of feed at desired location or all rolls at the same direction right or left
- 6" structural frame with fence on one side
- Electrical
- All necessary controls located in operator panel with main disconnect circuit breaker starters for each motor
- Start-stop controls
- Emergency shutdown button & control transformer
- Electrical packages to fit your application
- Conveyor
- 18" wide scrap conveyor with sides to pick up more dust & blocks powered by hydraulic system
- Bed is 1/4" plate
- Additional Options
- Optional center saws hydraulically lowered out of the cut with touch of a button
- Optional automatic servo powered sets