Brewer Machine & Parts LLC
Brewer Golden Eagle 2002
Brewer Golden Eagle 2002
Designed to chamfer pallet deck boards at high speed rate with low cost per piece. Years of engineering and working with customers have allowed us to maintain a chamfer with a very smooth trouble free feed system.
- 1/2" to 1 1/8" Board Thickness
- 3 1/2" to 6" Board Width (with proper setting)
- 30" Minimum to 60" Maximum Board Length
- Variable Speed Feed Rate
- 10" Diameter Cutter (8) Wing Index Able Carbide Insert
- Frame & System
- 3/4" Plate, 4 X 6 and 4 X 10 tubing with internal bracing motor and arbor base is made of 7/8" plate
- All steel and designed for safety and convenience
- 10HP TEFC 3600 RPM
- 2-belt heavy duty
- 33"
- Board Specs
- 1/2" to 1 1/8"
- 3 1/2" to 6" with proper setting
- 30" minimum to 60" maximum
- Frame & System
- #80 chain feed with heavy duty dogs, powered by 2 HP motor and gear reducer with variable frequency drive for variable speed feed
- Variable speed can easily be turned up to high volume and run with two operators or slowed down to run as one man operation. Controlled by potentiometer knob on control panel.
- Cutter
- 10" diameter (8) wing index able carbide insert. This is an outstanding improvement over all others. Cutters stay sharp longer and run noticeably quieter.
- Stacker
- Comes with out feed accumulator
- This is a gravity stacker that slides new board under existing stack
- It is a simple and effective way of accumulating boards
- Dust Pickup
- 4" by 10" rectangular opening over cutter heads
- Electrical
- Electrical - controls and starter panel are pre-wired for fast installation
- Complete control panel with main disconnect, overload protection for each motor, full voltage starter for 10 HP arbor motor, variable frequency drive for 2 HP feed motor, control circuit transformer and buttons, all enclosed in NEMA enclosure
- Electrical package is wired to fit your application