Eastonmade Wood Splitters
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Eastonmade 12-22
Eastonmade 12-22
The 12-22 is the mid sized performance model of the Ea?stonmade family of wood splitters. It boast a blistering fast 4.9 second end to end cycle time. It's features a 14 HP Briggs Vanguard engine that's coupled to a monster 22 GPM 2 stage pump. It comes standard with auto cycle, log lift and table grate. It also has those legendary features that make an Eastonmade wood splitter; 12hp gx series Honda engine, oversized 25 gallon hydraulic tank with suction and return filters, and our exclusive log cradle design.
- 14HP elec. start Vanguard engine
- Electric Start
- 22gpm Pump
- Hydraulically Adjusted 6 Way Splitter Wedge
- Auto Cycle
- 4.9 Second Cycle Time
- Aluminum Catch Pan
- Hydraulic Log Lift
- Hydraulic Oil Cooler