Eastonmade Wood Splitters
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Eastonmade Ultra
Eastonmade Ultra
If you're looking for all out performance with an affordable price tag than this machine has your name all over it. The Eastonmade Ultra features a mind blowing 4 second cycle time. You will not find a faster hydraulic splitter on the market. This machine is built to compete with the rack an pinion splitters on the market, but with a lot less maintenance. There are no bearings, springs, gears, or belts to maintain. The wedge stands 12" tall to bust through the large pieces. A taller push block means you are able to double stack you halves and turn them into quarters in one pass. This is the best happy median available on the market to get kinetic performance with the power of a hydraulic splitter.
- 6.5 HP Briggs Vanguard engine
- 16 GPM High pressure pump
- 4 second full stroke cycle
- Catch Pan
- 13" Highway rated tires
- Towable from both ends
- 20 Gallon hydraulic oil capacity
- Galtech valves