Go Fast Mfg LLC
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Go Fast Mfg MET-20 Multi-Head Trim Saw
Go Fast Mfg MET-20 Multi-Head Trim Saw
The Go Fast MET-20 is a high production, multi-head trim saw designed to boost your production into the fast lane! Available with up to (8) 20" circle saw blades with 5HP blade motors.
- VARIABLE INFEED SPEED: Easily adjust the feed speed of your saw with the turn of a knob.
- HD CHAIN COGGS: Tall chain coogs help convey material up to 5" thick through the saw blades.
- ANTI-KICK FINGERS: A rack of solid steel anti-kick back fingers help ensure the safety of your operator.
- WASTE AND OUTFEED: Both waste and outfeed conveyors come installed. One-piece flat-to-incline conveyors are optional.
- EACH HEAD ADJUSTS WITH THE TURN OF A HANDLE: Each saw head is equipped with a handle. Simply turn the handle to adjust the length of cut.
- Dimensions
- 156"
- 72"
- 59"
- 41"
- 100"
- Power
- 5HP 208/230/480/3/60 TEFC
- 1-1/2HP 208/230/480/3/60 TEFC
- 1/2HP 208/230/480/3/60 TEFC
- 1/2HP 208/230/480/3/60 TEFC
- Variable Infeed Speed on Chain Feed
- Controls Mounted on Panel
- Specifications
- 20" Carbide Tipped
- Adjust Length of Cut with the Turn of a Handle
- 1-1/2" Arbors and Bearings
- 2060 Chain and Sprockets
- 12" Belt
- 12" Belt
- Capacities
- 120"
- 12"
- 4-1/2"
- 0 - 60 Pieces
- 3 - 8 Heads Available
- Machine Options
- 10HP Motor
- 10HP Motor
- Flat to Rise One Piece Waste Conveyor
- Extended Frame for Longer Lengths
- 4" Dust Ports
- System Add-On Options
- Unscramblers
- Take-Away Roll Case
- Round Table
- Package Decks