119 Results Found

Franklin F230 axles Quick tach 28L tires (two are partially scorched) For parts or entire machine.
Arch, boom, rotator and snubber present, all look good. Tongs fair, dented on sides, faces worn but solid, Rest looks good. Missing head panels.
One owner well maintained, new rear 35.5 tires, SWEDA axles, winch, serviced and ready to work.
Currently working - hours will go up! One owner, live heel, high rise cab 28" Double Grouser pads Rotobec 4552SHD grapple
Good condition, no leaks and operated properly when removed. very minor pin wear. Snubber had minimal wear, top was tight from swinging, bottom swung freely with very minimal wear.
Like new – never used in woods – original hours 32” Triple Grouser – 9’ 2” u/c width (bare pin lift capacity is about 200lbs more with the wider u/c) Rear entry, 4552HD Rotobec Grapple