Eastonmade Wood Splitters
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Eastonmade 9-16
Eastonmade 9-16
The 9-16 is designed for the individual that wants a little more out of a wood splitter. It has a 60% increase in production over the 5-11 do to its faster cycle time and the fact that it comes standard with a hydraulically adjustable 4 way wedge. It features the same unique and user friendly Eastonmade designs as the rest of the Eastonmade family of wood splitters; 14 HP Briggs Vanguard engine, oversized 25 gallon hydraulic tank with suction and return filters, 13" high speed tires and our exclusive log cradle design
- 14 HP Briggs Vanguard engine
- 16gpm Pump
- Hydraulically Adjusted 4 Way Splitter Wedge
- Auto Retract
- 7 Second Cycle Time
- Aluminum Catch Pan
- Hydraulic Log Lift
- Galtech Valves