Equipment For Sale
10114 Results Found
CAM-WOOD RM-150 Dowel Making & Milling Machine;The machine mills perfectly round stock or stick, such as flag pole, from rattan, acrylic, carbon, bamboo and obviously wood.Specifications: -- 1" - 5" Dia. capacity, 15 HP - 1,800 RPM main motor, 2 HP feed motor, feed speeds from 20 - 43 FPM. -- Min. stock length 14", various cutters and feed rolls accommodate different dowel sizes in increments of 1/8".Supplied with & includes: -- (1) Set of Guide tube & outfeed rollers and includes (1) Set of cutters - choose from 1" - 5" diameter. -- Optional Tooling: Additional 4-Knife Cutterheads and Knives of your choice, please add ...$ 2,990 (for a 2-piece set) per each size cutterhead and ...$ 690.00 per set of knives (knives are Universal; can be used on any cutter head); additional different size Infeed (guide tube) and Outfeed rollers ...$440 each.Optional higher horse power: Upgrade to 25 HP Main motor and 5 HP Feed motor ...$2,450.
CAM-WOOD Continuous in-line Long Board Vertical Finger Joint System, Model "UCT-210"Up to 210 mm (8") Wide x 75 mm (2.95") Thick x Unlimited Assembled Length System Specifications: -- Incoming board lengths from 39"; to 118" (1,000 mm - 3,0000 mm). -- Board widths from 1.96"; to 8.26"; (50 mm - 210 mm). -- Board thickness from 1" to 2.95"; (25 mm - 75 MM). -- Board out-feed length unlimited (Conveyor to be quoted separately) -- Glue type to be used: PVAC. with Standard pneumatic pump and spreader included ( For different glue then PVAC Glue pump and applicator not included) -- Board species: SOFTWOOD and HARDWOOD. -- Board moisture content: 8% to 12%. -- Infeed board qualities: Lumber runs best on Finger Jointers when surfaced on (4) sides (S4S) (Tolerance +/- .2 mm (.008"). System prefers straight boards with 90-degree corners. UCT-210 Mechanical Specifications: -- Top infeed feed rolls powered with (1) 2 HP motors. -- Bottom infeed feed rolls powered with (1) 2 HP motors. -- In-feed Inverter with (1) 5 HP motors. -- Top Shaper Spindle powered with a 30 HP motor. -- Maximum Cutterhead length, 8.2“(210 mm). -- Maximum Cutterhead diameter, 7"“(180 mm). -- Typical cutter pitch, 4.0 mm. Length, 10 mm - 12 mm (Other sizes available). -- Shaper spindle moving power by 2.6 HP Servo Motor. -- In-feed speed from 32 to 195 FPM (10 ~60 m/Min). -- Outfeed cut-off saw motor, 5 HP. -- Cut-off sawblade, 14“ dia x 120 teeth (included). -- Cut-off sawblade speed, 2,850 RPM. -- Hydraulic pump power, 30 HP. -- Top outfeed feed rolls powered with (1) 2 HP motors. -- Lower outfeed feed rolls powered with (1) 2HP motors. -- Out-feed Inverter with (1) 5 HP motors. -- Glue injection Glue Applicator for Standard PVAC glue. Infeed/Outfeed options: -- Infeed power roller conveyor 6000mm (236") long Additional: $ 8390 -- Outfeed powered roller conveyor 15,000 mm (48') long Additional $ 43,890Optional Automatic 20 ft Cross InfeedPower Conveyor System Working size L = 1000 MM ~ 6000 MM, W= 50 ~ 305 MM, T=25 ~ 110 MM ( Lenght 39" - 236" X Width 2" -12", Thickness: 1" to 43.3")Infeed roller Conveyor 3 HP1Cross feeding system 3 HP1Feeding speed of 15 M/min (48'/min.)Storage area width 2500 mmAdditional cost: $61,990 -- Outfeed roller conveyor 20'' X 8' long Additional: $ 4,890 per sectionNot included with the machine: -- Cutter heads for finger jointer (we can provide quote) -- Gluing system with pump and nozzle if different then PVAC glueGlue pump Option: -- Graco 1K PUR Glue System Additional cost: $ 48,990NOTE: Training, installation & tooling not included TO BE PROVIDED LOCALLY -- Electric power supply to Motor Control Center -- Constant voltage (voltage deviations max.: 5%) -- Temperature range for computer control should not exceed 95°F. -- 65% Maximum relative air humidity for computer control system --Dust exhaust system: (V=30M/S at a low pressure of 12M BAR) --Compressed air connection to machinery: 7~8 KG/cm² – 8 BAR --Electrical c
CAM-WOOD SFJ-3800-205-FM-FAH HIGH SPEED, LONG BOARD, HORIZONTAL JOINT, FINGER JOINTER: Specifications: -- Double Chain & Slat Type Shaper Section designed for long incoming boards -- Manual infeed; Slat Bed Feed Chain runs at up to 75 FPM; lugs on 30" centers. Slat Bed powered with a 15 HP gear motor with 1:40 gear ratio. -- Table Transfer Conveyor (Powered), even ends boards to the Right and Left Shaper Fences: powered by (2) 7-1/2 HP motors -- Power raising and lowering of the holddown assemblies on both Shaper Sections; Powered with (2) 2 HP motors -- (1) Pair Scoring Saws with 2 HP motors, 50mm arbor, 2,850 RPM, scoring blade size of 7"; x 50 tooth, (4) Blades included -- (1) Pair Trim Saws with 10 HP motors, 50mm arbor, 4,275 RPM, trim saw blade size of 10"; x 100 tooth. (2) Blades included -- (1) Pair Vertical Hogging Shaper Spindles with 10 HP motors, 50mm arbor, 4,375 RPM, hogging blade size of 9.4"; x 50-tooth. (2) Blades included -- (1) Pair Vertical Finish Shaper Spindles with 20 HP motors, 50mm diameter spindles, 5,300 RPM. For -- 50mm bore x 160mm dia. cutterheads; finger length of 1.122";; cutterheads and knife profile to buyer’s specification -- Extrusion Type Glue Application System for PVAC Glues; mounted on Right Side Shaper Section. Includes glue pump, valves, and glue injection thru the applicator comb machined to buyer's specifications. -- Optional APQUIP Glue System available at extra cost -- Optional Glue Equipment available for Loctite HB X Glue at extra price -- Deduct $5,200 if provided without a Glue SystemSCC-20 TRANSFER CONVEYOR -- Conveyor between Shaper Section to the Press Section -- Working dimension: from 1"; to 8"; wide x 12"; to 12’-6"; long -- Speed 230 FPM -- Powered by (1) 3 HP HSC-65 HIGH-SPEED PRE-PRESS ASSEMBLY SECTION -- Working dimensions: 1"; to 8"; wide x 3/4"; to 2-1/4"; high x up to 21’ long -- (2) 5 HP motors drive the double flat-top chains -- Feed speeds from 32 to 295 FPM -- Includes (1) 15 HP Frequency Converter to power the feed chain motors at speeds determined by incoming boards lengths NFJ-1500 50’ HEAVY-DUTY AUTOMATIC ASSEMBLY PRESS -- Working dimension: 1"; to 8"; wide x 3/4"; to 2-1/4"; high x up to 50’ long -- Power of upper rollers: (2) 3 HP motors with a 1:10 gear ratio -- Power of lower roller: (1) 5 HP motor with a 1:10 gear ratio -- In-feed Inverter: (1) 15 HP motor -- In-feed speed: From 32 to 295 FPM -- Cut-off saw: With 7.5 HP motor driving the arbor at 2,850 RPM -- Sawblade: 14"; Diameter x 120 tooth -- Hydraulic power to the Pressing Cylinders: (2) 20HP with high-speed oil tank -- Hydraulic pressure output: 1,700 PSI at the joint -- Capacity (1) to (4) 50’ assembled boards per minute -- Machine comes arranged with equipment to assemble (3) sizes of material cross sections according to buyer’s specifications for width within +/-3/16"; width toleranceSYSTEM REQUIREMENTS FOR INCOMING BOARDS -- Incoming lumber length: 1’ to 12
CAM-WOOD TRS-805-H2X Multiple Round Pole MakerFeatures: Single to Multiple Round Pole Making with Flutes all in one passSpecification: -- Working Capacity (Maximum Working Size): 8"; Width, 4-¾";He right. -- Pole Making Length: Minimum10";, Maximum Unlimited. -- Spindle : Precision spindles are manufactured of SCM-4 tool steel (imported from MISHIBISHI Japan), heattreated to HR 46° (ROCKWELL CScale) and the 6,200 RPM spindle are fitted with class 6SKF match ball bearings per spindle then mated to precision machined spindle housings. -- Besides, the spindle body and whole bearing house (include the appearance and interior of the bearing house) has been completely burnished.So, the high hardness material, and high-class SKF ball bearings, and precise spindle-body and bearing house, finally by SHEN KO accurate combination technique. -- The spindle must meet every user’s requirements. -- Spindle tolerance is guaranteed included to (0.002mm / 0.00007") accuracy.Transmission (Drive) Belt: All spindles running are powered by V-shape- double belts (MITSUBISHI) without slipping problem Cutters: Arbor Size 40 mm • Cutting Cycle: 1stTop - 4";to 6-1/4"; Dia., 2nd Bottom - 4"; to 6-1/4"; Dia.Cutting Spindle Motor; 1stTop10 HP, 2nd Bottom 10 HP, Cutter Speed:6,200 RPM Equipped With And Features -- Top head and pressure roller power up & down by 1 HP motor -- Operating panel separate from control cabinet, easy to operate. -- Mechanical digital read-out. -- Mobile jog panel box for setting up. -- Central lubricating for spindles. -- Manual oil pump to remove the resin from table. -- Each table has (2) holes for lubrication.Include - ( 1 ) One size / set of the Cutters, Jig, -- Hold-Down Plate, -- Fence, spacer) -- Optional Round Pole Cutters $2,269.00 each size per set
CAM-WOOD RS-DW2400X 8' Overhead Rail Saw w/ Bevel CuttingFeatures: -- Programmable cutting cycle for higher production output -- 45 to 90 degrees tilting angle cutting. -- Variable Cutting Speed by Inverter. -- Rail is treated hardened, precision ground for maximum wear resistance and slide accuracy. -- Saw head runs on ball bearings giving effortless and smooth movement -- One piece casting iron arm for durability usage — heavy sheet metal stand. -- Quick tilting positions stop at right-hand 45º -- The Saw head is firmly set at any angle desired. -- Safety saw blade guard. -- Anti-kickback attachment included. -- Full-power industrial motor for durability usage. -- Overload protection switch.Available in sizes from 4' to 14' width capacitySpecifications: -- 8' Max cutting length -- 5-1/8" Max cutting thickness -- Saw blade speed 2.900 RPM -- No. of Head Travel Bearings, 8 -- Spindle dia. 1" -- Motor; 7.5 HP, 3 Ph, 230 V -- Hold down cylinders ( psc ) 3, Front & 3 Rear -- Width od table 50" -- Head Swiveling ( Horz ) 45 - 90 degreeOptional: Three of the Roller Tables; $599.00, each 4 ft Length
Cam-Wood TRS-MR-1300 X 75mm Roll Feed Gang Rip SawSpecifications -- Working thickness: 10 - 100mm • -- Working width: 530 - 1300 mm • -- Working thickness : 10 – 75 mm / 100 mm • -- Saw Blade 14", • Washer Diameter 110mm • -- Minimum length of work piece when feeding consecutively: 600mm • -- Number of spindle : 1 • Equipped with & Features -- Up & down motor : 1 HP x 1 • -- Feed speed : 6 - 15 M/ min. • -- Feed motor: 7.5 HP x 1 with Inverter • -- Multiple rip saw spindle motor:150 HP / 200 HP • -- Spindle diameter : 80 mm with two key-ways 10 mm5 mm • -- Spindle R.P.M.: 4,000 R.P.M. • -- Movable 1300 mm Saw Shaft Support for easy saw blade replacement.
Cam-Wood TRS-MR-1300 X 100mm Roll Feed Gang Rip SawSpecifications -- Working thickness: 10 - 100mm • -- Working width: 530 - 1300 mm • -- Working thickness : 10 – 75 mm / 100 mm • -- Saw Blade 14", • Washer Diameter 110mm • -- Minimum length of work piece when feeding consecutively: 600mm • -- Number of spindle : 1 • Equipped with & Features -- Up & down motor : 1 HP x 1 • -- Feed speed : 6 - 15 M/ min. • -- Feed motor: 7.5 HP x 1 with Inverter • -- Multiple rip saw spindle motor:150 HP / 200 HP • -- Spindle diameter : 80 mm with two key-ways 10 mm5 mm • -- Spindle R.P.M.: 4,000 R.P.M. • -- Movable 1300 mm Saw Shaft Support for easy saw blade replacement.
CAM-WOOD XCL-59 Auto Copy Lathe. via a template. SPECIFICATIONS: --Max. Between Center: 59". --Max. Finish Product Dia: 4-1/4". --Spindle Speed: 2,000 ~ 6,000 RPM. --Main Motor: 7.5 HP. --Hydraulic Motor: 3 HP. --Template Copier: One. --Model Copier: One. --Max. Copier Travel: 3-1/8". --Total Cutting Knives: 4 (including top plunging knives) --Feed Speed: Variable. --Includes (2) top plunging knives which can hold profiled or flat knives for dowel ends, etc. --Operation Modes: Manual Semi-auto, Auto. --Gross Weight: 3,400 Lbs, Net Weight: 2,900 Lbs.FEATURES: • Suitable for small quantity and multiple style production uses.• Can use sample or template for duplicate productions.• Cutter carriage forward and backward movements are hydraulically operated with feed.speed control, providing a smooth motion and stable cutting performance.• Adopts the precision hydraulic copy unit, most forms can be duplicated.• Easy to operate and lower maintenance costs.• There is a tongue shaving knife to pre-cut and guide ring to support the workpiece whencutting. This enables the cutting performance to be stable and more accurate.• Equipped with two sets of copying devices; one is copying device, which is driven by links andadopts U-Cutting tools. The other one is sample copy device by hydraulic system and adopts V-Cuttingtools.• Equipped with material center setup rack and automatic lubricator to lubricate the slide waysand keeps the slide ways in the optimal lubricated condition.• Industrial full power motor for maximum cutting capacity.• Precision sealed long-life bearing.• Heavy cast iron frame and table for durability usage.
CAM-WOOD SET-84 -TS - SH Double End Tenoner, (4) Heads4-Head machine (two on each side) with Scoring/Cutting and HoggingCapacity & Style: -- Max. 98" working capacity, min. 12"; max. 4" opening, 24" load area in front of hold-downs. -- Single-post machine, single "dual-track" base, right side fixed, left side movable. -- Motorized opening with LED indicator.Each side equipped with: -- Scoring head, 3 HP - 3,600 RPM motor, and 1" dia. arbor for up to 10" blade. -- Hogging/cutting unit 5 HP - 3,600 RPM motor, 1" dia. arbor, 10" max. dia. cutter-head. -- Variable feed speed from 12 - 52 FPM, 1 HP motor, steel feed chains with plastic anti-slip pads, and dogs at 6" center. -- Spring loaded overhead hold-down beams with endless belts. -- Separate electrical control cabinet with operator controls.Options Available: -- Cross transfer system with transfer line 4' X 8' transfer table with rollers (additional $38,900). -- Hopper feed magazine (additional $3,990). -- 42" Infeed extension (additional $4,500) -- Sound enclosure ...$6,900 -- Electric motor brake -- Central supportNote: Pictures are showing the machine with several options included
CAM-WOOD CF-60 Dowel Milling Machine:Designed for cutting stick from square into round rod; ...the Wood Round Rod Milling Machine.Specifications: -- 1/4" to 2-3/8" Dia. (6 mm - 60 mm) capacity; 300 mm length capacity. -- 5 HP - 3,400 RPM cutterhead speed, 2 HP feed motor, (4) feed speeds of 10, 12, 14 and 16 Meters P/M. -- Various cutters and feed rolls accommodate different dowel sizes in increments of 1/8". Equipped with: -- Guide tube & outfeed rollers. Machine comes with (1) set of 3/8" cutters - cutters available from 1/4" diameter. -- Additional cutter heads and knives of your choice available at ...$399 per each size cutter head and ...$129 per set of knives (knives are universal, can be used on any cutter head). Carbide knives per set of (2) ...$208.00Features & Application: -- Designed for cutting stick from square into round rod, cutting stick up to 60 mm in diameter; -- Excellent for making round rod using material like wood, rattan, acrylic and similar material. -- (4) Cutting feed speeds to suit the various materials. -- Integrated operator safety features such as feed rolls guard, fully enclosed transmission parts; with 6" dust outlet. Weight: 1,150 Lbs; Crate dim.: 48" L X 40" W X 50" H
CAM-WOOD TYPE F1, MODEL FAH, 6"; X 20’ Horizontal Fully Automatic Finger Joint System Single Chain TypeMECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE FEED SYSTEM: -- Operating speed: 120 to 150 lugs/Min -- Intermittent feed motor: 2 HP + 1:25 -- Feed chain motor: 30 HP (20 kW) Servo Drive (C2) MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS: RIGHT-SIDE SHAPER: -- Cutterhead Motor: 25 HP -- Spindle size: 2-3/4"; (70 mm) -- Maximum cutter head body diameter: 10"; -- Cutterhead speed: 5,500 RPM at 60 Hz -- Trim Saw Motor: 15 HP -- Trim Saw blade size: 12"; (305mm) x 80 Tooth x 5mm kerf -- Cut-off saw Speed: 4,300 RPM -- Scoring saw motor: 3 HP -- Scoring saw blade: 7"; (180 mm) x 50 Tooth x 5 mm -- Scoring saw spindle speed: 4,200 RPM -- Holddown rise and lower motor: 1/2 HP (C3) MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS: LEFT-SIDE SHAPER: -- Cutterhead Motor: 25 HP -- Spindle size: 2-3/4"; (70 mm) -- Maximum cutter head body diameter: 10"; -- Cutterhead speed: 5,500 RPM at 60Hz -- Trim Saw Motor: 15 HP -- Trim Saw blade size: 12"; (305 mm) x 80 Tooth x 5 mm kerf -- Cut-off saw Speed: 4,300 RPM -- Scoring saw motor: 3HP -- Scoring saw blade: 7"; (180 mm) x 50 Tooth x 5 mm -- Scoring saw spindle speed: 4,200 RPM -- Holddown rise and lower motor: 1/2 HP -- Glue Application by GLUE COMB -- Standard glue height: 6"; High, 3.8 mm pitch 3.8 mm. Finger lengths from 10 to 12 mm (Other lengths available) (K) MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS: SHAPER OUT-FEED: -- Speed: 230 FPM -- Feed Motor: (1) 3 HP -- Vacuum device blower with 3"; Vacuum port: 5 HP (G) MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS: PRE-JOINT ASSEMBLY: --Feed chain drive: (2) 3 HP motors --In-feed Inverter: (1) 7-1/2 HP --Chain type: Flat top double chain --Feeding speeds from 30 to 300 FPM (H) MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS: 20’ (6.2M) ASSEMBLY PRESS: --Working dimension: 3/4"; to 6"; wide x 0.60"; to 3"; high x up to 20’ long --Upper & lower roll power: (2) 2 HP motors --In-feed Inverter: 7-1/2 HP --In-feed speed: 30 to 300 FPM --PROGRAMMABLE Cut-off saw power: 5 HP --Cut-off Blade dimensions: 14"; Dia. x 120 Tooth x 1"; bore --Cut-off saw speed: 2,850 RPM --Hydraulic power: 5 HP (With high speed oil tank) --Cycle Speed: 1 to 8 Cy/MinPRODUCTION CAPACITY - PARAMETERS: -- Based on a 480-minute shift -- Finger length to customer’s specifications -- Average infeed length at the shaper section is 20"; --A verage block cross section is 2"; x 4"; -- Chain speed at the Shaper sections is 150 lugs/Min -- Press capacity is (8) 20’ loads per minute (maximum) CAPACITY OF THE SHAPERS WHEN FINGER JOINTING 2"; X 4"; x 20" BLOCKS -- (120) Blocks per minute -- x 20"; Average infeed length -- x 480 Minutes per shift -- x 0.8 Rate of utilization = 76,800 lineal feet per shift CAPACITY OF THE PRESS ASSEMBLING 20’ LENGTHS: -- (8) Assembled lengths per minute -- x 20’ Per minute -- x 480 Minutes per shift -- x 0.8 Rate of utilization = 66,440 lineal feet per shift -- NOTE: If using the cutoff saw for multi-section pressin
CAM-WOOD IAT 620-150HX INVERTER DRIVEN FINGER JOINT SYSTEM Lay-Up and Block-Staging Infeed Conveyor: -- 24" Wide x 31.5" long belt conveyor powered with 1/2 HP motors. The conveyor is controlled by the operating and system. Feeds at a constant rate of 180 FPM. Block delivery is controlled by the operator and machine system criteria to feed the Shaper. The conveyor facilitates keeping the system full and productive. FSR-62I Right Hand Inverter Type Finger Joint Shaper: -- Feed table is 24" wide and accepts blocks from 6" to 31.5" long x 5/8" to 6" wide. Shaper spindle is driven by a 20 HP motor and is equipped with provisions for vertical adjustment of 20 mm up and 20 mm down. Spindle diameter is 50 mm and runs at 6,600 RPM. 8-1/4"; maximum shaper cutterhead diameter - without knives. -- 5 HP - 4,800 RPM Cutoff and trim saw; accepts 10" dia. x 100 tooth x 5 mm blades. 2 HP - 2,850 RPM Scoring saw, accepts 7" dia. x 50 tooth x 5 mm blades. -- Conveyor powered by 1/2 HP motor. -- Table movement is inverter driven; powered by a 3 HP inverter motor with cycle speeds from 1 to 4 cycles per minute. Motor senses load and varies travel as needed. TC-62 Single Table Transfer Conveyor to the 2nd (Left Hand) Shaper: -- 24" Wide x 31.5" long belt conveyor. Powered with (1) 1/2 HP motor. Controlled by system criteria. Feeds at a constant rate of 180 FPM. FSL-62I Left Hand Inverter Type Finger Joint Shaper with Glue Extruder: -- Feed table is 24" wide and accepts blocks from 6" to 31.5" long x 5/8" to 6" wide. Shaper spindle is driven by a 20 HP motor. Spindle diameter is 50 mm and runs at 6,600 RPM. 8-1/4" Maximum shaper cutterhead diameter - without knives. -- 10 HP - 4,800 RPM Cutoff and trim saw; accepts 10" dia. x 100 tooth x 5 mm blades. 2 HP motor powers a top and a 2nd 2 HP motor powers a bottom scoring saw, both running at 2,850 RPM; accepts 7" dia. x 50 tooth x 5 mm blades. -- Conveyer powered by 1/2 HP motor. Table movement is Inverter driven; powered by a 3 HP + 3 HP inverter motor with cycle speeds from 1 to 4 cycles/Min. Motor senses load and vary travel as needed. Speed is controlled by system criteria. Injection Type Glue Applicator: -- Extrudes adhesive into the fingers without a messy runoff. 6" Comb height is standard. Finger pitch 4 mm, 10 - 12 mm finger length is standard equipment (special sizes available as optional equipment) STC-62A Single Table Conveyor Belt to the Assembly Section: -- 24" Wide x 31.5" long belt conveyor. Powered with (1) 1/2 HP motor. Controlled by system criteria. Feeding at a constant rate of 180 FPM. FJ-500A (240") Assembly Press with Cut-Off Saw: -- Capacity from 1" to 6"; wide x 1/2" to 3" high x and from 6' to 16-1/2' long. motor powers the upper and lower pre-assembly driven by (2) 2 HP motor . -- 5 HP infeed inverter drive. In-feed speed from 30 to 230 FPM. Speed is controlled by system criteria. -- 5 HP - 2,850 RPM Cutoff saw accepts 14" dia. x 120 tooth x 4 mm kerf blade. Cutoff Saw c
$ 198,900
CAM-WOOD WP-16L- V5HX 4 Sided 5 Heads High Speed Planer Designed for furniture, cabinet, flooring, intermittent planning mill work, and other industrial uses. Perfect Planer for S2S and S4S planning, tongue & groove flooring, wall paneling, etc. up to approximately 180 FPM depending on depth of cuts and dimensions of partsSpecifications: -- Width: ¾"; to 16"; -- Height: 3/8"; to 4"; -- Length: Maximum Unlimited, Minimum 70";. -- Maximum Cutting Depth; 8 mm -- Feed Rate 40 to 180 fpmFeatures:Horizontal Top & Bottom with Slip-On Spiral Head or Optional Profile cutter head, Tooling Information. -- Standard supply with Slip-On HAR Series Profile / Spiral Cutter head, Profile Knives combined with Carbide Insert 15 x 15 x 2,5 mm. Max depth of cut 8 mm each side (Standard 7"; O.D. Shaft 46 mm): Vertical with Helical or Optional Profile cutter heads -- Left & Right Side/ Standard HAR Series Vertical profile heads. -- Max depth of cut 8mm, 7"; OD, Spindle arbor diameter: 40 mm, -- Left & Right-side Heads can be profile work with owner provided tooling. Fifth head for moulding or sawing -- 15 HP Top Saw Head, raise/lower power digital by HMIQuality Features: -- Simple touch screen with Digital Positioning Controllers for width, thickness adjustment and variable feed speed. -- Hard Chrome plated table for long life -- Automatic top spindle – cutter head height adjustments entered via HMI touch screen control with PLC. -- Floating bottom infeed rolls for smooth, positive feeding -- Variable feed speeds by VFD. Controlled from touch screen. -- Heavy-duty spindle assemblies for durability & smooth finishes. -- Overhead assembly travels up/down and positions via touch screen control, Assembly is support by (4) hard chromed, polished posts and precision screws. -- Tables, fences, etc. are precision ground, polished and hard chromed to provide long life and smooth feeding. -- Massive, heavy-duty sheet metal frame for vibration absorbing finishes and extra-long bearing life. Compact construction with exclusive see-through top guard. -- Motor Control Center with under voltage and overload protection. UL and CSA labeled electric components.Motor Sizes and Feed Works: -- Top and Bottom Cutter Heads Motors each: 30 HP, 5,000 RPM -- Right & Left Side Cutter Motors each: 25 HP, 5,000 RPM -- Second top head for Top saw head, raised and lowered motorized digitally by HMI, drive motor 15 HP -- Variable Feed speeds from 40 to 180 FPM by VFD (invertor) -- Feed is powered by (2) each 5 HP VFD feed motors, (1) motor drives the top infeed and (1) Motor drives the top outfeed feed rolls. Top powered feed rolls are air cylinder loaded / Floating. (4) idle bottom infeed feed rolls and (4) idle bottom outfeed rolls.Overall dimensions: 167" X 71" X 73".
$ 191,200
CAM-WOOD SM-545 HS 5-Heads High-Speed Trough Feed /Planer/Moulder(5) Heads (B-R-L-T-T), working cap. 450 mm X 160 mm (17-7" x 6-1/4").Specifications: -- Max/Min working width 17.7" - 3/4" -- Max/Min thickness 6 1/4" - 5/16" -- Minimum length 9-1/2" -- Head sequence: Bottom 15 HP, right 15 HP, left 15 HP, top 20 HP, and top or bottom 20 HP . -- All Horizontal spindles have outboard bearings -- Spindle dia. 50 mm with cutterhead speed of 6,200 RPM. -- All spindles are equipped with mechanical digital readouts, "Dual mechanical" readouts on the left and top spindles. Mechanical readouts for pressure elements and chipbreakers; all chipbreakers and pressure elements with pneumatics. -- Feed works: Inverter driven 15 HP feed system with feed speeds of 20 - 260 FPM. -- Infeed table 2M (6'6"), chromed tables, and fences. Side pressure roller mounted at infeed. Features and complete with: -- Feed speeds ranging from 20' ~ 260' per minute are a standard feature. -- The full safety enclosure also works as a chip guard and helps to reduce noise. -- Table surface is hard chrome-plated for maximum wear resistance. -- All manually adjusted turning parts are housed in dry bearings for oil-free lubrication. -- One piece cast iron machine frame and table is especially normalization heat treated for maximum stability and rigidity. -- Fence adjustment is quickly accomplished by a quick-setting lever. -- The three independent section pneumatic pressure for the infeed rollers, in-process rollers and outfeed rollers can be set with individual pressure allowing for consistent feeding results and outstanding effect. -- All control levers for the spindles are located at the front of the machine for convenient adjustment. -- Each spindle is provided with a mechanical digital readout, giving accurate adjustment. -- Vertical spindle adjustment up to 80 mm, allows fitting several tools on the vertical spindle, eliminating troublesome cutter change. -- Separate adjustment of vertical spindle and insert table permits the table to be positioned extremely close to the cutterheads for added cutting stability. -- An individual motor drives each spindle and is separately mounted to eliminate spindle chattering during high-speed running. -- Centralized lubrication system Available options: -- Digital (electronic) display for X and Y axis for each head add $ 3,200 /per head -- NC Automatic positioning control system. This option consists of motorized adjustment of the head control from the main screen of the machine.This option include: -- 15" HMI (1000 memory setting), -- Servo motor positioning, Simple and easy to operate. -- Width and thickness quickly & auto set-up -- Tools management system -- Lateral chain feeder (quoted with customer material specifications)
$ 64,500
CAM-WOOD INFEED AND OUTFEED PLANER TRANSFER LINE: 20"; Wide X 20’ Long Roller Conveyors with 6,000 lbs capacity and Consisting of the following: NON POWERED IDLE INFEED RIGHT ANGLE ROLLER TRANSFER CONVEYORS -- (4) Conveyor Sections, each 14"; Wide X 8’ Long (SEE DRAWING). -- 2-11/64"; Roller Diameter -- Rolls on 3"; Centers to Handle 2"; x 4"; and Wider -- Supports up to 6,000 lbsPOWERED INFEED CANTED ROLLER CONVEYOR -- With VFD Drive with speed feed 18' to 70 FPM -- 22"; Wide X 20’ Long -- Heavy Duty 3-11/32"; Roll Diameter -- (9) Rolls on 36"; Centers -- (5) Pneumatic jumped transfer roll -- Back Side Adjustable FencePOWERED OUTFEED STRAIGHT ROLLER CONVEYOR -- With VFD Drive with speed feed 18' to 70 FPM -- 22"; Wide X 20’ Long (Longer with Owner Provided Outboard Roller) -- Heavy Duty 3-11/32"; Roll Diameter -- Rolls on 36"; Centers -- Includes (4) Sections of Pneumatically Jumped Skate Rolls -- Heavy Duty Type, Sections are 6"; Wide X 20"; Long NON POWERED IDLE OUTFEED RIGHT ANGLE TRANSFER ROLLER CONVEYORS (SEE DRAWING) -- (4) Conveyor Sections, each 14"; Wide X 8’ Long. -- 2-11/64"; Roller Diameter. -- Rolls on 3"; Centers to Handle 2"; x 4"; and Wider -- Supports up to 6,000 Lbs.
CAM-WOOD HIAT-620-205 WITH 3"; HIGH X 8"; WIDE X 20’ LONG WORKING CAPACITIESTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS:Incoming Block Requirements: --Incoming block lengths from 6'' to 39"; (optionnal 122") --Blocks must be at least 50% longer than their width. --Block thickness from 1/2"; to 3 1/2" --Block width from 1"; to 8" - --Assembled lengths from 10’ to 20’ - 24’ Optional --For use with PVAC adhesives --Works equally well with soft & hardwoods. --Moisture content preferred from 8% to 12% --Blocks should be surfaced (4) sides to ± 0.2 mm with 90° right-angle corners. To be supplied by the customer: --Electric power supply to electrical cabinet --Constant voltage with deviations of 5% or less --Temperature range for computer control should not exceed 95°F. --Maximum humidity for computer control system under 65% --Hydraulic oil --Skilled operating and maintenance personnel --Motor Control Center with under-voltage and overload protection; includes UL and CSA approved electrical components. Electric parts only, not the complete machine. --Total electricity demand: 63.75 KW, 85 HP --30 HP Compressor with a 50-to-60-gallon Air Receiver PRODUCTION CAPACITIES:Shaper Capacity: --Shift = 480 minutes --Finger length to buyer’s requirement --As an example: 1-1/2"; X 5/1/2"; X 24"; average finished block size at the Shapers --Shaper max. speed of (3) table strokes per minute --Table cycles will change as block widths become “wider"; or “taller"; at the Shapers --Table accepts up to (16) blocks when vertical finger jointing 1-1/2"; X 5/1/2"; example blocks. --Table accepts up to (4) blocks when horizontal finger jointing 5-1/2"; x 1-1/2"; example blocks.Press Capacity: --Assembly Press w/2 operators: -- (4) Table loads per min. x 20’ lengths x 480 min. per shift x 0.8 rate of utilization = 30,720 lineal feet per shift OR 36,864 lineal feet per shift with 24’ Press)Production Calculations: --VERTICAL Finger Jointing w/2 operators: -- Capacity of the shaper when finger jointing 1-1/2"; x 5-1/2"; x 2’ long blocks: (3) tables stroke per minute X 16-blocks per table load X 2’ average infeed block length x 480 minutes per shift X 0.8 rate of utilization = 36,864 lineal feet per shift (63.34 M³) --HORIZONTAL Finger Jointing w/2 operators: -- Capacity of the shaper when finger jointing 5-1/2"; x 1-1/2"; x 2’ long blocks: (3) table strokes per minute X 4 blocks per table load x 2’ average infeed block length x 480 minutes per shift X 0.8 rate of utilization = 9,216 lineal feet per shift (19.46 M³) NOTE: Capacity is maximum as shown at Assembly Section and is dependent on blocks thru the Shapers System consists of
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CAM-WOOD IAT 620-150H INVERTER DRIVEN FINGER JOINT SYSTEM 3" X 6":Lay-Up and Block-Staging Infeed Conveyor: -- 24" Wide x 31.5" long belt conveyor powered with 1/2 HP motors. Conveyor is controlled by the operating and system. Feeds at a constant rate of 180 FPM. Block delivery is controlled by the operator and machine system criteria to feed the Shaper. The conveyor facilitates keeping the system full and productive. FSR-62I Right Hand Inverter Type Finger Joint Shaper: -- Feed table is 24" wide and accepts blocks from 6" wide x up to 31.5" long x 5/8" to 6" wide. Shaper spindle is driven by a 20 HP motor and is equipped with provisions for vertical adjustment of 20 mm up and 20 mm down. Spindle diameter is 50 mm and runs at 6,600 RPM. 8-1/4"; maximum shaper cutterhead diameter - without knives. 10 HP - 4,800 RPM Cutoff and trim saw; accepts 10" dia. x 100 tooth x 5 mm blades. 2 HP - 2,850 RPM Scoring saw, accepts 7" dia. x 50 tooth x 5 mm blades. Table movement is Inverter driven; powered by a 3 HP + 3 HP inverter motor with cycle speeds from 1 to 4 cycles/Min. Motor senses load and varies travel speed as needed. Speed is also controlled by system criteria STC-62A Single Table Transfer Conveyor to the 2nd (Left Hand) Shaper: -- 24" Wide x 31.5" long belt conveyor. Powered with (1) 1/2 HP motor. Controlled by system criteria. Feeds at a constant rate of 180 FPM. FSL-62I Left Hand Inverter Type Finger Joint Shaper with Glue Extruder: -- Feed table is 24" wide and accepts blocks from 6" up to 31.5" long x 5/8" to 6" wide. Shaper spindle is driven by a 20 HP motor. Spindle diameter is 50 mm and runs at 6,600 RPM. 8-1/4" maximum shaper cutterhead diameter - without knives. 10 HP - 4,800 RPM Cutoff and trim saw; accepts 10" dia. x 100 tooth x 5 mm blades. 2 HP motor powers a top and a 2nd 2 HP motor powers a bottom scoring saw, both running at 2,850 RPM; accepts 7" dia. x 50 tooth x 5 mm blades. Conveyer powered by 1/2 HP motor. Table movement is Inverter driven; powered by a 3 HP + 3 HP inverter motor with cycle speeds from 1 to 4 cycles/Min. Motor senses load and varies travel speed as needed. Speed is also controlled by system criteria Injection Type Glue Applicator: -- Extrudes adhesive into the fingers without the messy runoff associated with glue rollers. 6" Comb height is standard. Finger pitch 4 mm, 10 - 12 mm finger length is standard equipment (special sizes available as optional equipment) STC-62A Single Table Conveyor Belt to the Assembly Section: -- 24" Wide x 31.5" long belt conveyor. Powered with (1) 1/2 HP motor. Controlled by system criteria. Feeding at a constant rate of 180 FPM. FJ-500A (198") Assembly Press with Cut-Off Saw: -- Capacity from 1" to 6"; wide x 1/2" to 3" high x and from 6' to 16-1/2' long. A 2 HP motor powers the upper and a 2nd 2 HP motor powers lower pre-assembly/crowder rolls. With 5 HP infeed inverter drive. In-feed speed from 30 to 230 FPM. Speed is controlled by system criteria. 5 HP - 2,85
CAM-WOOD FSM-460AX Finger Joint ShaperSingle Finger joint Shaper with 8" min. and unlimited max. block length; 4" max. block thickness, maximum timber height to feed into assembly press is 3"; 18" max. block width (horizontal joint only); 18" table working width.Equipped with: -- Shaper spindle powered by 10 HP belt drive motor with 50 mm dia. spindle turning at 5,500 RPM; 160 mm (6.3") max. dia. cutter. -- Trim-saw powered by 5 HP direct drive motor at 2,850 RPM and a 1" dia. saw spindle; swings 180 mm (7") max. blade dia. -- Table cycles 2 to 4 per Min via the hydraulic system with a 2 HP hydraulic power unit. Includes 5" dia. dust outlet.Features: -- Manual Fingerjointer performs end trimming and shaping functions on right and left end of blocks. -- Air-operated clamp holding blocks firmly in place. After the workpiece is clamped, the table feeds past the saw and shaper spindles to perform trimming and finger-joint operations; trim saw cuts blocks exactly 90° ends. -- Shaper spindle is precision-constructed for cutting fingers accurately; swings up to 6" dia. tooling. -- Spindle height adjustment is displayed on the dial readout for easy adjustment. -- Table travels on a precision linear guide for stability; table traverse driven by hydraulic power system smooth and accurate block feeding. -- Variable feed speed permits proper feed for hard or soft wood. -- Cast iron frame and table for durability.
CAM-WOOD MODEL FSG-150X Manual FINGER JOINT GLUE APPLICATOR -- Manual operation of sliding table ; Specification: -- Glue roller type -- Working width 24" maximum -- Working thickness 6" -- Glue roller drive 1/2 HP with reducer -- Standard clus height 4"
CAM-WOOD TYPE F1, MODEL FAH 8" X 30’ HORIZONTAL FULLY AUTOMATIC FINGER JOINT SYSTEM - SINGLE CHAIN TYPEMECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE FEED SYSTEM: -- Operating speed: 120 to 150 lugs/Min -- Intermittent feed motor: 2 HP + 1:25 -- Feed chain motor: 30 HP (20 kW) Servo Drive (C2) MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS: RIGHT-SIDE SHAPER: -- Cutterhead Motor: 25 HP -- Spindle size: 2-3/4"; (70 mm) -- Maximum cutter head body diameter: 10"; -- Cutterhead speed: 5,500 RPM at 60 Hz -- Trim Saw Motor: 15 HP -- Trim Saw blade size: 12"; (305mm) x 80 Tooth x 5mm kerf -- Cut-off saw Speed: 4,300 RPM -- Scoring saw motor: 3 HP -- Scoring saw blade: 7"; (180mm) x 50 Tooth x 5mm -- Scoring saw spindle speed: 4,200 RPM -- Holddown rise and lower motor: 1/2 HP (C3) MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS: LEFT-SIDE SHAPER: -- Cutterhead Motor: 25 HP -- Spindle size: 2-3/4"; (70 mm) -- Maximum cutter head body diameter: 10"; -- Cutterhead speed: 5,500 RPM at 60Hz -- Trim Saw Motor: 15 HP -- Trim Saw blade size: 12"; (305 mm) x 80 Tooth x 5 mm kerf -- Cut-off saw Speed: 4,300 RPM -- Scoring saw motor: 3HP -- Scoring saw blade: 7"; (180 mm) x 50 Tooth x 5 mm -- Scoring saw spindle speed: 4,200 RPM -- Holddown rise and lower motor: 1/2 HP -- Glue Application by GLUE COMB -- Standard glue height: 6"; High, 3.8 mm pitch 3.8 mm. Finger lengths from 10 to 12 mm (Other lengths available) (K) MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS: SHAPER OUT-FEED: -- Speed: 230 FPM -- Feed Motor: (1) 3 HP -- Vacuum device blower with 3"; Vacuum port: 5 HP (G) MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS: PRE-JOINT ASSEMBLY: --Feed chain drive: (2) 3 HP motors --In-feed Inverter: (1) 7-1/2 HP --Chain type: Flat top double chain --Feeding speeds from 30 to 300 FPM (H) MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS: 30’ (9.3M) ASSEMBLY PRESS: --Working dimension: 1"; to 8"; wide x 0.60"; to 2 3/8"; high x up to 30’ long --Upper & lower roll power: (2) 2 HP motors --In-feed Inverter: 7-1/2 HP --In-feed speed: 30 to 300 FPM --PROGRAMMABLE Cut-off saw power: 5 HP --Cut-off Blade dimensions: 14"; Dia. x 120 Tooth x 1"; bore --Cut-off saw speed: 2,850 RPM --Hydraulic power: 5 HP (With high speed oil tank) --Cycle Speed: 1 to 8 Cy/MinPRODUCTION CAPACITY - PARAMETERS: -- Based on a 480-minute shift -- Finger length to customer’s specifications -- Average infeed length at the shaper section is 20"; --A verage block cross section is 2"; x 4"; -- Chain speed at the Shaper sections is 150 lugs/Min -- Press capacity is (8) 30’ loads per minute (maximum) CAPACITY OF THE SHAPERS WHEN FINGER JOINTING 2"; X 4"; x 20" BLOCKS -- (120) Blocks per minute -- x 20"; Average infeed length -- x 480 Minutes per shift -- x 0.8 Rate of utilization = 76,800 lineal feet per shift CAPACITY OF THE PRESS ASSEMBLING 30’ LENGTHS: -- (8) Assembled lengths per minute -- x 20’ Per minute -- x 480 Minutes per shift -- x 0.8 Rate of utilization = 66,440 lineal feet per shift -- NOTE: If using the cutoff saw for multi-section pressin