Paw Taw John Services, Inc.
Paw Taw John Services, Inc. Carriage Shaft Proportional Setworks
Paw Taw John Services, Inc. Carriage Shaft Proportional Setworks
Carriage Shaft Proportional Setworks for Hydraulic Shaft Carriage
- Robust design for longer operation and performance which means more uptime
- Easy installation
- Parts replacement cost much less
- Less hardware
- Capable of setting to +.001
- 8 programmable board sizes per species
- 8 programmable cant sizes per species
- 8 programmable pre-stack sizes per species
- 4 species tables
- Backset ability
- Manual and face 2 and 4 back stand compute functions
- Entries are remembered when changing from mode to mode
- Run screen 1 displays knee position, target, board and/or cant selected, log breakdown when computed back stand is used, and system status
- Alternate run screen shows minimal operation information
- Multiple screens for information of the system and parameter entry are: menu, system parameters, species sizes, knees calibration to sawline, motion dynamics, axis status, timers, and cant prestack building
- Adjustable software limits for dogs extended, hammer dog forward limit, reverse limit, set velocity and jog velocity are entered through the system parameter screen
- All dogging and on carriage control provided by our system: no extra boxes required
- Separate knee taper block control
- Carriage log turners or brownsville turners
- Brake control if used
- Separate dog up/down control for each knee
- User defined specialized AC control if required
- Only one electrical encloser to install: doubles as the operator panel
- Touch Screen mounted in the panel
- Touch Screen panel is an 8" diagonal color
- Operator push button handles, power cord, knee control, and AC carriage control connected directly to panel
- Operator panel is a 16X16 Hoffman slope front panel that has a flat bottom so the sawyer has leg room
- Since one box is used, installation is easier and quicker
- Included in the package is a proportional valve and ServoSensor(TM) for feedback and motion control
- A single cable is provided for installing on the pantograph from the console to proportional valve and ServoSensor(TM)