Sawmill Hydraulics, Inc.
Sawmill Hydraulics Helle Tech
Sawmill Hydraulics Helle Tech
The computer that acts like a cam limit system without the cam limits. This all fits in the same small box as the original HELLE Setworks. The sawyer no longer has to get out of the saw cab to adjust his sets, he can do this from the comfort and ease of his seat, SAVING TIME!!
1/32" ACCURACY!!!!!
- 2 line display showing knee position and last set!
- Computer Accuracy that is becoming the industry standard without the "computerese" language.
- "Snap In" replacement on HELLE Setworks. No fragile rod to worry about!!.
- Operates identical to the original Helle Setworks.
- Throw away the allen wrench! A toggle switch on the lid increases or decreases each set.
- Slow jog on the lid, normal jog on the control handle.
- No relays to wear out, no cams to adjust, no limit switches to wear out.
- All of this and more fits in a box in your sawyer's lap.
- All cables hook up with spin on connectors.
- All wiring is individually color coded and is 18 gauge or heavier.
- All switches use spade lugs-no soldering.