Cleereman Industries
Cleereman Industries Edgers
Cleereman Industries Edgers
Cleereman Industries introduces the latest addition to a now complete line-up of primary breakdown machinery. Building upon a long-term reputation for superior customer service and long-lasting machinery that includes all types of material handling, debarkers, carriages, trimsaws and the revolutionary LumberPro, Cleereman Industries is approaching optimized edging the same way. Company president, Paul Cleereman stated recently that with the successful addition of Cleereman Controls, a division of Cleereman Industries that provides setworks, scanning, optimization and flow control systems, adding a line of optimized edgers was the next logical step.
The new Cleereman edger line was produced following an extensive review of all major edgers currently available to locate fail-points and recurring maintenance issues with the goal of building the most efficient and durable optimized edger available today.
- Board Edgers & Combination Gang Edgers
- Both optimized and non-optimized edgers are Poly Belt Driven to eliminate the high maintenance of sprockets and chains.
- 2 and 3 saw Edger box sizes from 42”-54” wide
- CLEEREMAN CONTROLS SYSTEM and operators station with presets
- Lineal Scanning Transverse style Transverse Optimized Edger with JoeScan Heads mounted overhead