Equipment For Sale
10113 Results Found
CAM-WOOD DC535 DUST COLLECTOR 2900 CFM5 HP Motor and 14" Dia. Radial-fin type steel impeller to get the best efficiency usage.Specifications: -- Two top filters and two collection bags. -- Heavy-duty motor for powerful operation. -- Larger size impeller and extra long top air exhaust bags enabling to collect sawdust and wood chips more easily. -- Standard steel spring clamps to secure the bags with the body without leaking dust. -- Low sound levels keep the working area quiet. -- Replacement bags or 5 micron bags for fine dust are available. Optional connect bags for barrels are available.
CAM-WOOD - XL 300, ...Dip Chain Gang Rip Saw: (...Typically in stock for immediate delivery!)12" Width cap.; 3/8" min. to 4-3/4"; max. cutting depth; 14"; min. stock length.Specifications: -- 70 mm Dia. saw sleeve (one is included) with (2) keyways and the following spacers: (4) 15 mm, (4) 10 mm, (18) 1 mm, (10) 0.5 mm, and (8) 0.25 mm (see drawing after the "literature link); with 12"; usable cutting width. -- Accepts saw blades from 12"; - 14"; dia.; arbor is powered by a 50 HP motor driving the spindle at 3,200 RPM. -- Feed chain is powered by a 2 HP motor with variable chain speeds from 30 - 100 FPM; feed chain is 12"; wide. -- Table: 30"; Wide x 62"; with 12"; between the column and the 1st saw blade. - Integrated 6"; dia. dust extraction connection.General Description: -- Designed for high quality Production Line use. CAM-WOOD’s Rip Saws are manufactured to precise tolerances and feature the newest designs for operator safety and volume production. -- Precision fence ensures absolute accuracy between blade & fence; equipped with: Measuring ruler gauge. -- Triple anti-kickback fingers mounted at the infeed side provide max. safety protection; (2) rows from the top and (1) row from the bottom. -- Heavy-Duty industrial motor for powerful cutting capacity. -- Ruggedly constructed cast iron frames for durability usage.Feed System: -- Variable feed speed enables the machines to meet different requirement of work. -- V-way track and chain block surface are heat-treated for long wear resistance. -- Automatic lubrication to V-Way track facilitates chain running smoothly. -- Auto lubrication device is equipped with an alarm that sends signals upon a lack of lubrication oil to increase the durability of the machines. Features & Equipped with: -- Precision-built saw head ensures accuracy for straight line rip saw operations. -- (4) Bearing spindle assembly ensures rigidity & long life. -- Power raise & lower to the arbor. -- (4) Pressure rollers & (2) hold-down plates for precise cutting of large and small workpieces. -- 10-Piece V-Belt for max. motor power output and guarantees Heavy-Duty multiple rip cutting. -- The saw arbor is manufactured from NI-Cr-MO alloy steel for durability and anti-fatigue, heat treated, precision ground, and balanced, providing precise cutting performance. -- Adjustable guide rollers make cutting straight or slight radial rip cuts. They also firmly secure lumber to the feed chain for glue joint work on short parts or longer length boards. Options when ordering with machine: -- (1) Set spare feed chain link, please add ...$ 96. -- (1) Set of arbor drive belts consisting of (6) matched belts, add ...$680. -- Additional saw sleeve with spacer set consisting of: (2) 50 mm, (3) 25 mm, (4) 10 mm, (18) 1 MM, (10) 0.5 mm, (8) 0.25 mm, Please add... $745
CAM-WOOD MRS-340-1M Dip Chain Gang Ripsaw with one Shifting Blade:Specifications: -- Cutting width up to 13";; machine will pass thru 25-1/2"; -- 3"; Maximum depth of cut with 12"; diameter blades. - Will cut 4"; thick with 14"; blades (optional). -- With 70 mm saw spindle; accepts 90 mm bore sawblades -- With air-loaded pressure rolls, standard fence, and feed chain. -- Urethane Chain Pads and Pad Holders optional -- With (1) powered moveable blade and fixed blades. -- Moveable blade controlled with a joystick. -- With (10) push buttons for pre-programmed selective ripping -- The shifting blade moves at 20 to 80 mm/second (up to 3"; per second). -- Moveable saw blade traverses from 0.59" thru 13.38" -- 50 HP Saw arbor motor; -- 3 HP Feed motor with feed speeds from 15 to 130 FPM -- (2) 1/2 HP Lift motors for pressure rolls and saw arborOptional Equipment when ordered with the machine: -- TRS-FT AUTOMATIC INFEED CONVEYOR SYSTEM, with Movable Fence with Digital Display and Shifting Laser Light for Rip Width Setting: .. -- Hydraulic Quick Lock Spindle Assembly. The hydraulic locking spindle assembly is designed to provide for quick changeover between various ripping requirements. Simply turn the locking knob to pressurize the arbor and lock the blades in position. Turn it in the opposite direction to unlock the blades. The sawblades are mounted to solid steel blade collars: ... -- Additional Quick Set Mechanically-Locked Saw Collars for fast, accurate, sure holding of saw blades in any stationary position ... -- 60 HP Saw Arbor Motor: -- Additional 30 MW Laser Unit with Bracket & Wiring: ... -- Pneumatic Pressure to Hold Down Feed Rollers (In lieu of spring pressure). Provides better control of the product being fed. Each pressure roll is controlled by an individual pressure regulator: .. -- Short stock feeding device for 14"; blades (see specifications for cutting capacity information): -- Feed Chain with (69) Easily Replaceable Bolt in Cast Iron Pads. Allows for changing chain pads as they wear or get cut into rather than replacing the complete chain assembly. NOTE: Specially ground down to 0.06"; square tip for optimum hold with virtually no marking: ... -- Feed Chain with (69) Easily Replaceable Urethane Non-Marking Strip Inserts. Urethane is vulcanized to metal backing bars and bolted in place: ... -- 12" Dia. carbide tipped ripsaw blades, cuts up to 3" material: ... -- 14" Dia. carbide tipped ripsaw blades, cut's up to 4" material: ...NOTE: Foot Pedal seen in the photo is only used with a powered Infeed Table and is designed to release boards from the Feed Table.
CAM-WOOD DC-102 Dust CollectorSmall radial-finned Dust Collector mounted on wheels for portability.Features & Specifications: -- Large 13-1/2" fan that produces 2,100 CFM. -- Heavy Duty 3 HP motor pre-wired at 230 Volts. -- Large capacity dual station cloth top bags of 31.2 sq. ft. total cloth filter area. -- Low sound level of 75 - 90 dB.
CAM-WOOD DC-8075 Dust Collector Radial-finned type impeller for the best efficiency with large 15-3/4" dia. fan that produces 5,800 CFM.Includes: -- Heavy Duty 7.5 HP motor pre-wired at 220 V. -- (4) Large top filter bags and (4) lower collection bags with 48 cu. ft. capacity. -- Standard steel spring clamps to secure bags without leakage.Features: -- Low sound level of 75 - 90 db. keeps the work area quiet. -- Optional connection for using barrels.
CAM-WOOD XL300/5116 DIP CHAIN GANG RIPSAW12" Width cap.; 5-5/8"; max. cutting depth; 14"; min. stock length; Designed to meet the exacting standards required for high quality production line use. CAM-WOOD’s Rip Saws are manufactured to precise tolerances, and feature the newest designs for operator safety and volume productionSpecifications: -- Accepts saw blades from 12"; to 16"; diameter. -- Arbor is 70mm dia. with (2) keyways -- Saw arbor is powered by a 60 HP motor driving the spindle at 3,200 RPM; Soft start starters and low voltage controls are standard equipment. -- Feed chain is powered by a 2 HP motor with variable chain speeds from 8 to 80 FPM; feed chain is 12"; wide -- Table is 28"; wide x 67"; and 12"; between the column and the 1st saw blade. -- (2) Integrated 6"; dia. dust extraction connections.Complete With: -- (1) 70 mm ID saw sleeve with (2) keyways and the following spacers: (4) 15 mm, (4) 10 mm, (18) 1 mm, (10) 0.5 mm, and (8) 0,25 mm (see drawing after the "literature link). -- Two (2) rows of anti-kickback fingers mounted on the top and one (1) row from the bottom (total 3 rows) provides maximum safety protection. Equipped with: -- Precision fence ensures absolute accuracy between blade & fence, equipped with measuring ruler gauge. -- Power raise and lower to the arbor. -- Heavy-duty industrial motor for powerful cutting capacity. -- Ruggedly constructed cast iron frame for durability usage. -- Variable feed speeds enables the machine to meet different work requirements. -- V-way track and chain block surface are heat-treated for long wear resistance. -- Automatic lubrication to V-Way track facilitates chain longevity smoothness -- Automatic chain lubrication device equipped with an alarm that sends signals upon a lack of lubrication oil. Features: -- Precision built saw head ensures accuracy for straight line rip saw operations. -- Four (4) bearing spindle ensures rigidity & long life. -- Saw arbor is manufactured from NI-Cr-MO alloy steel for durability and anti-fatigue; spindle is heat treated, precision ground and balanced to provide the utmost in precision cutting performance -- Four (4) pressure rollers & two (2) hold-down plates for precise cutting of large and small workpieces. -- Ten (10) groove pulley and V-Belt arrangement ensures maximum motor output, excellent HP delivery to the saw spindle, and guarantees proper power transmission for heavy-duty multiple rip cutting. -- Adjustable guide rollers make cutting straight for slight radials material; they also secure glue joint at short pieces or long stacks.Options when ordered with machine: -- Additional saw sleeves (sleeve only), each, $415 -- Additional saw with spacer set consisting of: -- (2) 50 mm -- (3) 25 mm -- (4) 10 MM, -- (18) 1 MM -- (10) 0.5 MM -- (8) 0.25 MM -- Add per Sleeve with Spacer Set, $795 -- Laser Light with Mounting Bracket, each $1,190 -- Power raise & lower of the hold-down system when ordered with
$ 25,750
CAM-WOOD TRS-3200 SLAT RIPPER - (1) Horizontal Bottom Saw or Moulder Spindle Bottom;The machine can rip extremely narrow parts. Ideal for shutters, louver slats, yardsticks, etc.Features & Equipped with: -- Designed to meet the exacting standards required for high-quality production line use. -- CAM-WOOD’s Slat Rip Saws are manufactured to precise tolerances and feature the newest designs for operator safety and volume production. -- All of these features combine to show what true value these machines are in today’s highly competitive market. -- Precision fence assures absolute accuracy and is equipped with measuring gauge. -- Double anti-kickback fingers mounted at the infeed end of the machine provided maximum safety protection. -- Heavy-duty industrial TEFC motor ensures full-depth cutting capacity in all materials. -- Ruggedly constructed steel frame for durability and extended machine life. -- The variable speed feed works allow the machine to meet the cutting requirements of different materials. -- Saw head built to precise tolerances assures accuracy for all straight-line ripping operations and provides stellar cut quality. -- Top & bottom powered pneumatically tensioned feed rolls for precise feeding and cutting. -- Saw arbor is manufactured from alloy steel for dependability and anti-fatigue, heat-treated, precision ground, and balanced providing precise cutting performance.Specifications: -- 12"; Max. Cutting Width. -- 4-3/4"; Max. Cutting Depth. -- 10"; Min. Workpiece Length. -- 10"; to 16"; Dia. Sawblade Size. -- 4,000 RPM Spindle Speed. -- 12"; Spindle Length -- 70 mm Arbor Diameter (with 2-keyways). -- 30 HP Rip Saw Motor -- 3 HP Feed Motor. -- 12 to 60 FPM Feed Speed (Variable). -- 1 HP Feed Roll Elevating Motor. -- 1/2 HP Saw Arbor Elevating Motor.Footprint: 81" long x 40" wide x 60" high.
CAM-WOOD TRS-405-SS Short Stock Rip Saw ...with the following specifications and features:Specifications: -- Max cutting width: 12.6"; -- Min length part: 3.15"; -- Short stock ratio of thickness to length: 2:5 -- Distance from center of chain to throat, 30"; -- Saw arbor powered by 50 HP Std. - 30 HP, 60 HP and 75 HP optional -- Spindle speed, 3,200 RPM -- Sawblade diameter to thickness: 10"; dia = 2"; thick, 12"; dia = 3"; thick, 14"; dia = 4"; thick, 16"; dia = 5"; thick -- Sleeve diameter (sawblade bore), 70 mm -- Sawblade keyway, 2 each 20 mm wide -- Spacer size, 70 mm ID x 95 mm OD -- 2 HP feed motor, 3 HP optional -- Variable feed speeds from 20 to 80 FPM -- Head elevation powered by ¼ HP motor -- With (2) 6"; dia. dust outlets -- NET weight, 5,500 Lbs. Features and Benefits: -- Exclusive feed track - Design for short stock feed – see literature! -- Exclusive length capacity on a standard Gang Ripsaw, as short as 3";! -- Turn waste blocks into useable parts -- Pressure rolls supported from both sides hold stock securely for even, smooth ripping -- Pressure plate (hold-down shoe) supported from both sides; helps prevent split parts from damaging sawblades -- Power raise and lower for overhead pressure roll and hold-down assembly -- Variable feed speeds allow ripping a variety of material, hard or soft, thick or thin -- 2-Top and 1-bottom rows of kickback fingers plus side splitter guards provide operator safetyNOTE: ...Where have you seen a Gang Ripsaw capable of ripping as short as 3"!!! ...Also perfect for slats!
CAM-WOOD TRS-190-2VS 7.5"; x 6"; VERTICAL SPINDLE MOULDER FOR SMOOTH SLAT RIPPINGIncludes one setup including Splitter Set, Holddown Plate, Fence, Sawblades, and Spacers WORKING CAPACITY -- Working width: 3"; to 7-1/2"; -- Working height: 3/4"; to 6"; RIGHT VERTICAL SPINDLE -- With 25 HP motor: -- Spindle diameter: 1.968"; with keyway and blade cooling device -- Spindle speed: 3,500 RPM -- Cutting circle: 9"; to 12"; -- Axial adjustment range: 2"; -- Table adjustable to cutting circle. -- Blade cooling device. LEFT VERTICAL SPINDLE -- With 25 HP motor: -- Spindle diameter: 1.968"; with keyway and blade cooling device -- Spindle speed: 3,500 RPM -- Cutting circle: 9"; to 12"; -- Axial adjustment range: 2"; -- Table adjustable to cutting circle. -- Blade cooling device. SPINDLE COMPONENTS AND ASSEMBLY -- Precision spindles are manufactured from SCM-4 tool steel imported from MITSUBISHI Japan, heat treated to HR 46° (ROCKWELL C Scale) fitted with class 6 -- SKF-matched ball bearings then mated to precision machined spindle housings. -- The spindle body and bearing housing are burnished. -- Spindle hardness and accuracy, high precision SKF bearings, and precise spindle housing and bearing installation by SHEN KO provides a spindle assembly -- Capable of speeds to 9,000 RPM and will meet every user’s requirement. -- Spindles are powered by V-shaped belts (MITSUBISHI) without slippage. FEED SYSTEM -- Powered with a 5 HP motor -- Feed speed is infinitely variable by inverter drive from 20 to 120 FPM -- Infeed rolls consist of (3) top and (2) bottom-powered feed rolls. -- Outfeed with (1) set of top and bottom-powered feed rolls -- Pneumatic pressure to all (4) top feed rolls -- Top rolls with independent pressure adjustment -- All top and bottom feed are driven by a universal joint drive -- Feed rolls are 5-1/2"; diameter TABLE AND FENCE -- 4’ infeed table with (1) driven roller above the tablet -- Table is harden and chromed. -- Fence is harden PRESSURE ELEMENTS -- A pneumatic pressure plate assures stability during slicing -- Precision splitting wedge guide for saw kerf SETUP FEATURES -- Mechanical digital read-outs -- Mobile jog box for ease of setting up -- Central lubrication system for spindles -- Oil pump to remove the resin from table -- Each table has (2) holes for lubrication ELECTRICAL -- Operating voltage 230.460/575/600-volt, 60-cycle, 3-phase -- All “name brand"; electric components. -- Operating panel separate from motor control cabinet for ease of operation MISCELLANEOUS -- Machine cover/hood with a lamp for ease of set up -- Includes a toolbox and operator’s manual
$ 110,990
CAM-WOOD TRS-340 M2 Gang Rip Saw With (2) Moveable Blades:Capacity: -- Depth of cut with 14"; dia. blades: 4"; at movable blades, 4.3"; at fixed blades -- Depth of cut with 12"; dia. blades: 2.95"; at movable blades, 3.34"; at fixed blades -- Depth of cut with short stock holddown and 14"; dia. blades: 3.14"; -- Depth of cut with short stock holddown and 12"; dia. blades: 2.36"; -- Max. rip width cap. 13.4"; -- Max material width, 25.6"; -- Min. rip length, 22"; -- Min rip length with short stock holddown, 15.8";Other Specifications: -- Max. sawblade dia., 14"; -- Min. sawblade dia., 12"; -- Sawblade bore, 90 mm (3.54";) -- Saw arbor dia., 70 mm (2.75";) -- Arbor motor, 50 HP -- Arbor speed, 3,800 RPM with 50 or 60 HP motors -- Feed speed from 20 to 135 FPM -- Feed motor by 3 HP VFD -- Overhead pressure roll raise & lower motor, 1/2 HP -- Dust collection; (2) 8"; diameter -- Overall dims., 62"; wide x 88"; long x 72"; high x 5,000 Lbs Features: -- Machine combines edging, selective, and gang rip functions -- Control Panel can be located for easy access -- Edges of random width boards can be trimmed in a single pass -- The positions of the movable saw blades are accurately controlled from the control panel for fast and convenient sets. -- Saw blade movement is driven through precision ball screws along a linear slideway for accurate, effortless traverse -- Exclusive laser projection system ensures accuracy -- Digital display for saw blade traverse; readouts in inch and metric displays are switchable -- Pressure rolls are supported on both sides and hold stock firmly and evenly -- Overhead pressure roll mechanism includes powered raise and lower -- Variable feed speed permits effortless ripping of a variety of stock; hard or soft, thick, or thin -- Double top and single bottom anti-kickback fingers, plus a side guard, provide excellent safety for the operator. -- Stepping motors drive precision ball screws for fast and accurate width settings. -- Same as above. f equipped with optional shifting fence and includes a digital display to accurately indicate fence travel -- Suspension of pressure plate from two sides helps prevent split or broken parts from damaging the saw arbor or saw blades -- Saw blade's movements are concentric for perfect rip accuracy and parallelism of ripped boards. Comes standard with: -- (3) 15 Mw Laser -- (2) Fixed saw seats -- (3) 12" Carbide Tipped SawbladesOptional: --TRS-FTAO-3: Automated In-Feed Table, 3 Meter Powered Conveyor System with Movable Fence, Shifting Laser Lights for 2-Moveable Blades for Rip Width Settings, and Digital Display, -- TRS-FTMU-3: 3 Meter Powered In-feed Table, Manual,
$ 48,689
CAM-WOOD TRS-350X Heavy-Duty Dip Chain Gang Ripsaw75 HP! ... plenty of power for those with a lot of ripping work!Specifications: -- Maximum cutting width, 13-3/4"; -- Maximum depth of cut, 5-1/4"; -- Distance from column to first blade, 15"; -- Minimum working length, 25"; -- Maximum blade diameter, 16"; -- Minimum blade diameter, 10"; -- Sawblade bore, 2.756"; -- Saw arbor diameter, 2.165"; -- Saw arbor speed, 3,000 RPM -- Saw arbor motor, 75 HPFeatures: -- Variable feed speeds, 25 to 100 FPM -- Feed motor, 2 HP -- Roller holddown elevation motor, 1/2 HP -- Table working area 72"; x 31";Shipping dimensions, 84"; x 71"; x 68"; x 6,000 Lbs
CAM-WOOD FSM-460AX Finger Joint ShaperSingle Finger joint Shaper with 8" min. and unlimited max. block length; 4" max. block thickness, maximum timber height to feed into assembly press is 3"; 18" max. block width (horizontal joint only); 18" table working width.Equipped with: -- Shaper spindle powered by 10 HP belt drive motor with 50 mm dia. spindle turning at 5,500 RPM; 160 mm (6.3") max. dia. cutter. -- Trim-saw powered by 5 HP direct drive motor at 2,850 RPM and a 1" dia. saw spindle; swings 180 mm (7") max. blade dia. -- Table cycles 2 to 4 per Min via the hydraulic system with a 2 HP hydraulic power unit. Includes 5" dia. dust outlet.Features: -- Manual Fingerjointer performs end trimming and shaping functions on right and left end of blocks. -- Air-operated clamp holding blocks firmly in place. After the workpiece is clamped, the table feeds past the saw and shaper spindles to perform trimming and finger-joint operations; trim saw cuts blocks exactly 90° ends. -- Shaper spindle is precision-constructed for cutting fingers accurately; swings up to 6" dia. tooling. -- Spindle height adjustment is displayed on the dial readout for easy adjustment. -- Table travels on a precision linear guide for stability; table traverse driven by hydraulic power system smooth and accurate block feeding. -- Variable feed speed permits proper feed for hard or soft wood. -- Cast iron frame and table for durability.
CAM-WOOD MODEL FSG-150X Manual FINGER JOINT GLUE APPLICATOR -- Manual operation of sliding table ; Specification: -- Glue roller type -- Working width 24" maximum -- Working thickness 6" -- Glue roller drive 1/2 HP with reducer -- Standard clus height 4"
CAM-WOOD TYPE F1, MODEL FAH 8" X 30’ HORIZONTAL FULLY AUTOMATIC FINGER JOINT SYSTEM - SINGLE CHAIN TYPEMECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE FEED SYSTEM: -- Operating speed: 120 to 150 lugs/Min -- Intermittent feed motor: 2 HP + 1:25 -- Feed chain motor: 30 HP (20 kW) Servo Drive (C2) MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS: RIGHT-SIDE SHAPER: -- Cutterhead Motor: 25 HP -- Spindle size: 2-3/4"; (70 mm) -- Maximum cutter head body diameter: 10"; -- Cutterhead speed: 5,500 RPM at 60 Hz -- Trim Saw Motor: 15 HP -- Trim Saw blade size: 12"; (305mm) x 80 Tooth x 5mm kerf -- Cut-off saw Speed: 4,300 RPM -- Scoring saw motor: 3 HP -- Scoring saw blade: 7"; (180mm) x 50 Tooth x 5mm -- Scoring saw spindle speed: 4,200 RPM -- Holddown rise and lower motor: 1/2 HP (C3) MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS: LEFT-SIDE SHAPER: -- Cutterhead Motor: 25 HP -- Spindle size: 2-3/4"; (70 mm) -- Maximum cutter head body diameter: 10"; -- Cutterhead speed: 5,500 RPM at 60Hz -- Trim Saw Motor: 15 HP -- Trim Saw blade size: 12"; (305 mm) x 80 Tooth x 5 mm kerf -- Cut-off saw Speed: 4,300 RPM -- Scoring saw motor: 3HP -- Scoring saw blade: 7"; (180 mm) x 50 Tooth x 5 mm -- Scoring saw spindle speed: 4,200 RPM -- Holddown rise and lower motor: 1/2 HP -- Glue Application by GLUE COMB -- Standard glue height: 6"; High, 3.8 mm pitch 3.8 mm. Finger lengths from 10 to 12 mm (Other lengths available) (K) MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS: SHAPER OUT-FEED: -- Speed: 230 FPM -- Feed Motor: (1) 3 HP -- Vacuum device blower with 3"; Vacuum port: 5 HP (G) MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS: PRE-JOINT ASSEMBLY: --Feed chain drive: (2) 3 HP motors --In-feed Inverter: (1) 7-1/2 HP --Chain type: Flat top double chain --Feeding speeds from 30 to 300 FPM (H) MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS: 30’ (9.3M) ASSEMBLY PRESS: --Working dimension: 1"; to 8"; wide x 0.60"; to 2 3/8"; high x up to 30’ long --Upper & lower roll power: (2) 2 HP motors --In-feed Inverter: 7-1/2 HP --In-feed speed: 30 to 300 FPM --PROGRAMMABLE Cut-off saw power: 5 HP --Cut-off Blade dimensions: 14"; Dia. x 120 Tooth x 1"; bore --Cut-off saw speed: 2,850 RPM --Hydraulic power: 5 HP (With high speed oil tank) --Cycle Speed: 1 to 8 Cy/MinPRODUCTION CAPACITY - PARAMETERS: -- Based on a 480-minute shift -- Finger length to customer’s specifications -- Average infeed length at the shaper section is 20"; --A verage block cross section is 2"; x 4"; -- Chain speed at the Shaper sections is 150 lugs/Min -- Press capacity is (8) 30’ loads per minute (maximum) CAPACITY OF THE SHAPERS WHEN FINGER JOINTING 2"; X 4"; x 20" BLOCKS -- (120) Blocks per minute -- x 20"; Average infeed length -- x 480 Minutes per shift -- x 0.8 Rate of utilization = 76,800 lineal feet per shift CAPACITY OF THE PRESS ASSEMBLING 30’ LENGTHS: -- (8) Assembled lengths per minute -- x 20’ Per minute -- x 480 Minutes per shift -- x 0.8 Rate of utilization = 66,440 lineal feet per shift -- NOTE: If using the cutoff saw for multi-section pressin
CAM-WOOD CF-60 Dowel Milling Machine:Designed for cutting stick from square into round rod; ...the Wood Round Rod Milling Machine.Specifications: -- 1/4" to 2-3/8" Dia. (6 mm - 60 mm) capacity; 300 mm length capacity. -- 5 HP - 3,400 RPM cutterhead speed, 2 HP feed motor, (4) feed speeds of 10, 12, 14 and 16 Meters P/M. -- Various cutters and feed rolls accommodate different dowel sizes in increments of 1/8". Equipped with: -- Guide tube & outfeed rollers. Machine comes with (1) set of 3/8" cutters - cutters available from 1/4" diameter. -- Additional cutter heads and knives of your choice available at ...$399 per each size cutter head and ...$129 per set of knives (knives are universal, can be used on any cutter head). Carbide knives per set of (2) ...$208.00Features & Application: -- Designed for cutting stick from square into round rod, cutting stick up to 60 mm in diameter; -- Excellent for making round rod using material like wood, rattan, acrylic and similar material. -- (4) Cutting feed speeds to suit the various materials. -- Integrated operator safety features such as feed rolls guard, fully enclosed transmission parts; with 6" dust outlet. Weight: 1,150 Lbs; Crate dim.: 48" L X 40" W X 50" H
CAM-WOOD XCL-1000S 4-Spindle Auto Copy Lathe/Shaper w/Sanding of Asymmetrical parts .via a template. Shaping with (4) cupped cutters and sanding with individual belts.Specifications: -- Capacity: (4) Spindle duplicating/carving/copy heads with (4) copy belt sanders for asymmetrical parts. Working length 6-3/8"- 39.5" -- Working dia. 1-1/8" - 8-1/4". Cutter diameter approx. 1.4" -- Speeds: Spindle Speed : Variable 2000 - 6000 RPM. Cutting Circle 2 - 12 times/min. -- Features: (4) Spindles with pre-loading centering station and pneumatic clamping. -- Drives: Hydraulic carriage motor 3 HP; Cutter drive motor 7.5 KW (10 HP). Sanding heads motor 2 x 1 HP. -- Electrical controls: 220 V Relay style. -- Overall Dimensions: 120" long x 47" deep x 110" high -- Approx. net weight: 6,240 Lbs. -- NOTE 1: Larger diameters are possible by using every second carriage position, ie. (2) heads instead of four heads. -- NOTE 2: Version without Sanding, XCL-1006 is priced at
$ 43,500
CAM-WOOD SM-156A Feed Through Moulder;6-Head (B-R-L-T-T-B), working cap. 6" x 4".Specifications: -- Head sequence: Bottom 7.5 HP, right 5.5 HP, left 5.5 HP, top 10 top, top 7.5 HP and bottom 7.5 HP motor. -- Spindle diameter 40 mm with cutterhead speed of 6,000 RPM; spindles equipped with mechanical readouts for axial and radial adjustments. -- 4 HP Feed Motor variable speed 16- 65 FPM; carden drive system. -- 1.2 M (4'0") Infeed table with lateral side pressure roller mounted at table infeed. Manual table lubrication pump. -- Includes: Short stock attachment, set up tools and manuals. -- Dust collection Min. 3,500 CFM -- Air requirement 90 psi. -- 150 AMPs. at 220 V. -- Machine dimensions , length & width 137"; long, x 54"; Width x 68"; High Note: Brand New with Warranty!
$ 22,990
CAM-WOOD WS-DA2560 Wide Belt Sander, (2) HeadsWith the two-head 25" width capacity wide belt sander, you can accurately, and heavily sand your stock with the first drum head and with the second combination head you can give an unlimited fine finish. -- Rugged heavy-duty sheet metal construction designed for durability usage -- Powerful industrial motors drive sanding and auto infeed smoothly. -- Infeed and outfeed are spring-loaded hold-down rollers to ensure positive feeding without sanding marks. -- Combination platen & drum sanding head for best sanding choice such as: -- With the platen up, the sander functions as a drum-only machine, for sanding with a 40 ~ 100 grit belt. -- With the platen and drum same level, intermediate and final finishing is possible, using a grit of 120 ~ 180. -- With the platen down (below the drum), used for the fine finishing or lacquer sealer sanding, with 180 ~ 600 grit.Head Configuration1st Head : 15 HP Drum2nd Head : 10 HP Combination HeadSpecifications: -- Max. Working Width 25" Max. -- Working Thickness 5" -- Min Working Length 12½" -- Sanding Belt Dimensions (W x L) 25" x 60" -- Dust Collection Hood (Dia x Holes) 5" x 2 -- Main Motor 15, 10 HP; -- Feed Motor 2 HP -- Table Raising / Lowering Motor ½ HP -- Var. Feed Speed (FPM) 20 ~ 80 20 -- Working Air Pressure 6 CFM -- Exhaust Volume Require 1800 CFM -- N.W. 4400 Lbs - G.W. 5000 LbsEquipped with and Features -- Sanding platen with a quick release and lock down design for easy removal or loading of graphite platen. -- Computerized thickness adjustment control with accurate digital readout; key in the size desired and automatic table movement for sanding thickness within 0.005"; accuracy. -- Large-size diameter contact drum is dynamically balanced, rubber-covered spiral grooves designed to provide considerable advantages for the effective removal of material. -- Special rubber feed belt for safe non-slipping, transporting the workpieces. -- The abrasive belts are tracked by oscillating cylinders linked to the upper roller. The edge of the belt is detected by an electric eye sensor, which in turn controls the air supply to the position via solenoid value. Also, one limit switch is located on each end of the top roller of the sandpaper for quick stop in case of belt breakage. -- The main table is designed with a convenient leveling adjustment which ensures greater stability with excellent tolerance providing a variable range from 0"; ~ 5"; sanding thickness. -- (4) Heavy-duty jack screws power conveyor table elevation.
$ 24,990
CAM-WOOD WS-DA3760 Wide Belt Sander, (2) HeadsWith the two-head wide belt sander, you can accurately, and heavily sand your stock with the first drum head, and with the second combination head, you can give an unlimited fine finish.Application: -- Rugged heavy-duty sheet metal construction designed for durability usage. -- Powerful industrial motors drive sanding and auto infeed smoothly. -- Infeed and outfeed have spring-loaded hold-down rollers to ensure positive feeding without sanding marks. -- Combination platen & drum sanding head for best sanding choice such as: --With the platen up, the sander functions as a drum-only machine, for sanding with a 40 ~ 100 grit belt. -- With the platen and drum same level, intermediate and final finishing is possible, using a grit of 120 ~ 180. -- With the platen down (below the drum), used for the fine finishing or lacquer sealer sanding, with 180 ~ 600 grit.Head Configuration:1st Head : 20 HP Drum2nd Head : 15 HP Combination HeadSpecifications: -- Max. Working Width 37" Max. -- Working Thickness 5". -- Min Working Length 12½". -- Sanding Belt Dimensions (W x L) 37" x 60". -- Dust Collection Hood (Dia x Holes) 6" x 2. -- Main Motors 20 and 15 HP. -- Conveyor bed Feed Motor 2 HP. --Table Raising / Lowering Motor 1/2 HP -- Variable Feed Speed 20 - 80 FPM. -- Working Air Pressure 6 CFM. -- Exhaust Volume Require 2,400 CFM. -- N.W. weight 5,100 Lbs.Equipped with and Features: -- Sanding platen with a quick release and lock down design for easy removal or loading of graphite platen. -- Computerized thickness adjustment control with accurate digital readout; key in the size desired and automatic table movement for sanding thickness within 0.005"; accuracy -- Large size diameter contact drum is dynamically balanced, rubber-covered spiral grooves designed to provide considerable advantages for the effective removal of material. -- Special rubber feed belt for safe non-slipping, transporting the workpieces. -- The abrasive belts are tracked by oscillating cylinders linked to the upper roller. The edge of the belt is detected by an electric eye sensor, which in turn controls the air supply to the position via solenoid value. Also, one limit switch is located on each end of the top roller of the sandpaper for quick stop in case of belt breakage. -- The main table is designed with the convenient leveling adjustment which ensures greater stability with excellent tolerance providing a variable from 0"; ~ 5"; range sanding thickness. -- (4) Heavy-duty jackscrews power conveyor table elevation.
$ 32,500
CAM-WOOD M5412-SCX Tenoner & End Matching MachineTenoning/Coping machine for straight or miter material. Great machine for miter door production or stile and rail stock. Equipped with: -- 6" High stackable spindle by pneumatic up & down with (3) different stops; easily and accurately setup for each cutter position.One shaper head at each side of the table. -- Table moves from right to left by variable speed Pneumatic-Hydraulic power to achieve the full cutting power. -- Twin table moves in and out separated for tongue and groove, end-match application. -- Twin heavy-duty pneumatic pistons hold down the work pieces tightly to the table during the cutting process.Features: -- Rigid construction on the heavy sheet metal frame, cast iron table & base for durability usage. -- Heavy duty industrial motor is suitable for heavy-duty cutting under full load. -- Linear guide rails and bearings let the operator move the table smoothly. -- Cast iron fence locks in the table groove to finish 45° cut easily. -- Automatic cycle function, just place the material against the stops, the machine will automatically clamp, move in for shaping/tenoning, come out and release the hold down.