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Cleereman Industries
Cleereman Industries
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Lane 3HDB Circle Saw Mill w/Top Saw, Diesel Power Plant, Fuel Tanks, Cab & Controls. 3 Strand Log Infeed w/Stop & Load. Log Turner.

 Clarksburg, TN
LPS Equipment & Acquisition Co.

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Lauderdale-Hamilton 4500 Platform Scissor Lift -- Baldor Motor 1 HP -- 4,500 LB Capacity -- Foot Pedal Control -- Platform Size: 30"; x 72"; -- Travel Capacity: 9.5"; down, 49"; up -- Speed w/standard motor: 0.5"; per second (up)

Kevin Welker
800-374-5009 ext:316

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Model # 01-1172-05-01 60” x 142” table size (1) available no hydraulic units or hand control

Carolina Machinery Sales, Inc

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150 HP Altistart

 Clarksburg, TN
LPS Equipment & Acquisition Co.

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LeRoi CL 50 Cub Screw Compressor

 Clarksburg, TN
LPS Equipment & Acquisition Co.

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Letson & Burpee 7' RH Air Strain Bandsaw Head Rig

 Clarksburg, TN
LPS Equipment & Acquisition Co.

$ 70,000

6 Foot Left Hand

 White Pigeon, MI
Jeff Miller Inc.

$ 6,825

LHI 4,500 # Scissor LiftSimple Design, Low Cost, High Performance w/ Off-The-Shelf Parts so you can keep it running years from now Specification: -- 4,500 Lbs weight capacity. -- 48" x 96" Smooth steel platform. -- Lowered height 9-1/2" raised height 49". -- Travel speed: 1/2" per second up -- Foot pedal control.Available Options: -- Automatic Down Indexing -- Automatic Up Indexing -- Automatic Up/Down Indexing

Bernie Straple
800-374-5009 ext:339

$ 9,115

LHI 6,000 # Scissor LiftSimple Design, Low Cost, High Performance w/ Off-The-Shelf Parts so you can keep it running years from now Specification: -- 6,000 Lbs weight capacity. -- 48" x 96" Smooth steel platform. -- Lowered height 9-1/2" raised height 49". -- Travel speed: 1/2" per second up -- Foot pedal control.Includes: Auto-indexing UPAvailable Options: -- Automatic Down Indexing -- Automatic Up Indexing -- Automatic Up/Down Indexing

Bernie Straple
800-374-5009 ext:339

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Lico 161" x 31'8" 2-stage shaker pan with electric drive.

 Clarksburg, TN
LPS Equipment & Acquisition Co.

$ 15,500

LIGMATECH ZHR 01 RETURN CONVEYOR for RH FEED Edgebander (i.e. Brandt, OTT) & LH RETURN to the operator.FunctionAfter panels come off a through-feed machines feed-track, they are transported via (4) powered take-up belt onto a 90° transfer section and returned back to the operator.Specifications: -- Working Length, 12" - 98" (300 - 2,500 mm) max., working width 5.9" - 40" (150 - 800 mm) max., panel thickness 0.3" - 1.6" (8 - 40 mm) max. and 100 Lbs (45 kg) max. weight. -- Variable Feed-Speed, 26 - 138 FPM (8 - 42 MPM); Approx. total length of 30'; (4) 18" pickup arms, spaced 7", 8" & 14", take product from the edgebander and transport it to cross transfer conveyor section. -- Cross Transfer Section, 43-1/2" x 83", transfers material and drops it 2-1/2" onto roller transfer section, 43-1/2" x 83", which transfers material to a powered 40" x 150" flat-belt conveyor, which transfers material to a gravity roller conveyor, 40 x 72", with 2-1/2" x 35" plastic coated rollers to be received by the operator. -- Total Length of Return Conveyor is 25'. -- Actual Model is LIGMATECH ZHR 01-R-055.


$ 16,000

LIGMATECH ZHR 01 RETURN CONVEYOR for RH FEED Edgebander (e.g. Brandt, OTT) & LH RETURN to the operator.FunctionAfter panels come off a through-feed machines feed-track, they are transported via (4) powered take-up belt onto a 90° transfer section and returned back to the operator.Specifications: -- Working Length, 12" - 98" (300 - 2,500 mm) max., working width 5.9" - 40" (150 - 800 mm) max., panel thickness 0.3" - 1.6" (8 - 40 mm) max. and 100 Lbs (45 kg) max. weight. -- Variable Feed-Speed, 26 - 138 FPM (8 - 42 MPM); Approx. total length of 30'; (4) 1/2"; W x 18" L Pickup arms, spaced 7", 8" & 14", take product from the edgebander and transport it to cross transfer conveyor section. -- Cross Transfer Section, 42-1/2" x 83" x 38-1/4"; H, transfers material and drops it 2-1/2" onto roller transfer section, 42-1/2" x 83" x 35-3/4"; H, which transfers material to a powered 31-1/2" x 17-1/2’ L x 34"; H flat-belt conveyor, which transfers material to a gravity roller conveyor, 35"; W x 6-1/2’ L x 32-1/2"; H, with 2-3/8"; Dia. Roller on 3-1/8"; Centers to be received by the operator.Actual Model is LIGMATECH ZHR 01-R-055 & used with a BRANDT AMBITION 1870 (aka KDF870) Edgebander.


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Ligmatech Return Conveyor

Carolina Machinery Sales, Inc

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Ligna 16' Enddogging Scragg

 Clarksburg, TN
LPS Equipment & Acquisition Co.

$ 105,000

LIGNA 10" x 48" thin kerf guided gang. Complete with (2) 200 HP motors; two speed feed works; chromed and knurled rollers; splined arbor. In very good condition. Rollers and bearings replaced just prior to removal. No infeed or outfeed. Includes guide milling machine; puck mold; guides form 7/8" to 2"; shims; many saw blades in excellent condition. PRICE REDUCED to $105,000.

 Burlington, NC

$ 47,500

LIGNA 8X40 Multi-Blade Edger/Gang Saw. 40" Wide by 8" high opening. Specifications: -- Bottom saw edger with (5) blades. Powered by a 125 HP TEFC motor. -- Features stacked air cylinder setworks with independent shifting on (3) blades. -- Infeed table with pop-up chains and fence, outfeed rollcase. -- Includes: Powered infeed and outfeed steel roll conveyors.

Jim Reedy
800-374-5009 ext:455

$ 36,000

LIGNA ALT Trimmer. OPERATOR ON RIGHT. Set up for "0" saw; from 8'  to 16' on 2' increments. Has 4' and 6' saw areas. 7.5 HP motor and saw blade on ladders. 9 feed chains--hydraulically driven. PLC controlled. Includes: operators controls and hydraulic power unit; 2 air operated gates; 5 strand tipple system with dealer wheels and air operated tipple arms; 9 feed chains--hydraulically driven; 5 strand let down conveyor; 5 infeed side, even-end rolls.  Doors need work but are included.  Offered, as removed from service. $36,000.

 Burlington, NC

$ 28,000

LIGNA rosserhead debarker, model 848. Complete machine with bull wheels, 50 HP head motor, head with cutter bits, operators controls. Good condition. Offered as-is / where-is but loaded on your truck.

 Burlington, NC

$ 36,000

8" x 48" Rosserhead debarker. Used very little, LIGNA Model 848, S/N: F162085. Heavy duty. 6 sets bull wheels mounted on 3 7/16" bearings, 36" on centers - (like new, not re-poured). 50 HP head motor powering 8 section carbide tooth head. Maximum length 20'. Base frame 12" WF beam. (6) x 1 1/2" thick kicker arms., 20 HP Hydraulic system for head traverse and log rotation. Heavy duty pivot system and electric panel included. Size approximately 35' x 9' wide x 7 1/2' tall. Operators controls. Machine in great condition, but has been sitting outside . Offered as-is / where-is and loaded on your truck. Price $36,000.00.

 Burlington, NC

$ 3,200

used 300HP electric motor, tested ran at independent motor shop, have paper work and video, looks to be rewound from the wire leads

 Toledo, WA
Machinery Scene

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