Meadows Mills, Inc.
Meadows Mills Number 1
The Meadows model 1 sawmill features a welded steel frame constructed from 6" channel, 6" W-beam, and 4" x 4" tube. The carriage wheels ride on 12-lb rail. The Meadows model 1 sawmill is available in handset or hydraulic configurations. The Meadows model 1 Sawmill has a 33" headblock opening.
Meadows Mills Meadows Mobile Sawmill
The Meadows Mobile Sawmill has provided profitable service for sawyers throughout the world. The mobility of this sawmill allows for economical harvesting of even small stands. The Meadows Mobile Sawmill is available in handset and hydraulic configurations. The Meadows Mobile sawmill has a welded steel frame constructed from 8" channel, 6" channel, 6" x 4" tube, and 3" x 4" tube. The Meadows Mobile sawmill comes in two sizes, the first has a 42' track frame with a 12 1/2' carriage frame and the second has a 48' track frame with a 15' carriage frame. The operating width of the Meadows mobile mill is 7' 11". The towing dimensions of the Meadows Mobile sawmill are 37' 6" (length) x 7' 11" (width) with 10 1/2" of ground clearance. The carriage axles are available in two configuration, the first configuration is a 1 7/16" diameter axle with 6 1/2" diameter wheels pressed onto the axle. The axle is attached to the carriage frame by two 1 7/16" pillow block bearings (axle and wheel spi
Meadows Mills 2-Saw
Backed by a century of fine products, this is the first of a series of Trim Saws built by Meadows. We want to be your complete supplier for sawmill equipment.
Meadows Mills 100H
Meadows Log Turners are available in two sizes, the model 100H and the model 120H. The model 120H log turner offers up and down log turning while the model 100H log turner only turns the log up. The model 100H log turner is designed for use with the Meadows Mobile or #1 sawmills or any brand of small sawmill. The 100H log turner is designed to efficiently turn small logs and squares. The 100H log turner is safe to use with handset or hydraulic sawmills. The model 120H is designed for use the Meadows #2 or #3 sawmills or any brand of medium to large sawmill. The 120H is capable of turning logs or squares up or down safely. The 120H log turner is safe to use with large handset or hydraulic sawmills.
Meadows Mills Drop Belt
Meadows over-the-mandrel Conveyors are available in several sizes. Standard construction includes heavy steel frames, 1 7/16" four bolt flange bearings, and wear resistant belting. Meadows Drop Belts provide easy sorting of waste materials from the head saw. Cants and boards can be moved to your edger while strips and slabs can be dropped into a waste conveyor. Drop Belts are available in 10' and 12' lengths with optional 18" or 24" belts.
Meadows Mills Number 2 Material Handling Fan
Meadows industrial materials-handling fans feature open-type radial-blade fan wheels and are well suited for installations involving exhaust, material conveying, pollution control, air circulation, and a variety of other industrial applications. Each fan wheel is statically and dynamically balanced on electronic equipment prior to being assembled in the fan. In addition, each materials-handling fan is tested at or near operating speed after assembly and the balance is fine-tuned as a complete assembly. The open-type radial-blade fan wheel design is extremely rugged using heavy gauge steel/cast steel components which are jig assembled for accuracy and consistency. All fan wheels are assembled using cast steel spiders and precision laser-cut armor plate paddles. All fan wheels are welded with care to insure the maximum in strength and reliability. Meadows materials-handling fans are available in six sizes, with fan wheel diameters from 9" to 29". Meadows materials-handling fans ma
Miner Model 3-31 Stationary Board Edger Shown with 25-HP Gasoline Engine (also available with electric motor or diesel engine)
Meadows Mills Andrus Hand Saw Sharpener
Meadows Mills Number 2
The Meadows model 2 Sawmill has provided profitable service for sawyers throughout the world. The Meadows model 2 sawmill features a welded steel frame constructed from 8" channel and 4" x 6" tube. The carriage wheels ride on 12-lb. rail. The Meadows model 2 Sawmill is available in handset and hydraulic configurations. The Meadows model 2 sawmill track frame can be built to suit your material to be sawn. Track frames lengths vary from 40' up to 100' with carriage lengths built to suit. The headblocks on the Meadows model 2 sawmill have a 39" opening. Meadows offers two headblocks for the model 2 Sawmill. The standard headblock offers a single #80 adjustment chain and the heavy headblock offers a double #80 adjustment chain.
Meadows Mills Miner 3-31 Stationary
Miner Model 3-31 Stationary Board Edger available with 25-HP Gasoline Engine, electric motor or diesel engine.
Meadows Mills Miner 3-31 Portable
Miner Model 3-31 Portable Board Edgers are available with 25-HP Gasoline Engine or diesel engine.
Meadows Mills 3 Saw
Meadows Vertical Edgers are available with 2 saws or 3 saws. In the 2 saw format both saw collars shift independently. In the 3 saw format the bottom saw and the middle saw shift independently. The top saw is attached to the middle saw by a fixed width spacer. The fixed width spacer can be constructed to yield any dimension. Meadows vertical edgers are available with an electric motor directly driving the mandrel of the vertical edger or with a belt drive from the mandrel of the sawmill to a gearbox on the vertical edger. A 40-hp electric motor is standard with the electric drive configuration, although larger electric motors can be provided at an additional charge. All Meadows vertical edgers include a welded steel frame with an adjustable base for easy mounting. All Meadows vertical edgers come standard with 2 15/16 inches diameter double-key mandrel. The mandrel is turned down to 2 3/16 inches and is fitted with Dodge Type E bearings. The float shaft, or shifting rod, on t
Meadows Mills Spartan 6 Inch
Meadows Mills, Inc. is proud to introduce our new line of combination edgers. We have combined the expertise of Meadows Mills, Inc., with 101 years of experience, with the expertise of Miner Edger, with 79 years of experience, to build a line of revolutionary new machines. Our 6" Spartan, 7" Trojan, and 8 1/2" Hercules offer rugged construction with a reasonable price. Our 6", 7", and 8 1/2" edgers are available in 36", 42", and 48" widths. The chart below provides a quick reference of the features on each of our combination edgers.
Meadows Mills Top Saw
Meadows Top Saws are available with a 30 HP electric motor drive or mandrel drive. The Top Saws use a 30" F Pattern Saw. The mandrel for all Top Saws is 2 3/16" diameter turned ground and polished with 5 " saw collars, and employ two Dodge S2000 4-bolt bearings. All Top Saws include guards for the drive belts and the saw. Unless otherwise requested Top Saws will be set to run with a 56" head saw.
Meadows Mills Andrus Electric Saw Sharpener
Andrus Saw Sharpeners are THE WAY to put a superior cutting edge on all types of inserted tooth saw bits. Top quality, easy to adjust and fast to use.
Meadows Mills Number 1 Hydraulic Mobile
The Meadows Mobile Sawmill has provided profitable service for sawyers throughout the world. The mobility of this sawmill allows for economical harvesting of even small stands. The Meadows Mobile Sawmill is available in handset and hydraulic configurations. The Meadows Mobile sawmill has a welded steel frame constructed from 8" channel, 6" channel, 6" x 4" tube, and 3" x 4" tube. The Meadows Mobile sawmill comes in two sizes, the first has a 42' track frame with a 12 1/2' carriage frame and the second has a 48' track frame with a 15' carriage frame. The operating width of the Meadows mobile mill is 7' 11". The towing dimensions of the Meadows Mobile sawmill are 37' 6" (length) x 7' 11" (width) with 10 1/2" of ground clearance. The carriage axles are available in two configuration, the first configuration is a 1 7/16" diameter axle with 6 1/2" diameter wheels pressed onto the axle. The axle is attached to the carriage frame by two 1 7/16" pillow block bearings (axle and wheel spi
Meadows Mills Number 3 Deluxe
The Meadows model 3 is available only in a stationary configuration. The Meadows model 3 sawmill is available in hydraulic configurations only. For additional information on the sawmills offered by Meadows Mills, Inc.
Meadows Mills Number 2 Hydraulic
The Meadows model 2 Sawmill has provided profitable service for sawyers throughout the world. The Meadows model 2 sawmill features a welded steel frame constructed from 8" channel and 4" x 6" tube. The carriage wheels ride on 12-lb. rail. The Meadows model 2 Sawmill is available in handset and hydraulic configurations. The Meadows model 2 sawmill track frame can be built to suit your material to be sawn. Track frames lengths vary from 40' up to 100' with carriage lengths built to suit. The headblocks on the Meadows model 2 sawmill have a 39" opening. Meadows offers two headblocks for the model 2 Sawmill. The standard headblock offers a single #80 adjustment chain and the heavy headblock offers a double #80 adjustment chain.
Meadows Mills Model 35
Meadows hammer mills are durable utility grinders capable of grinding most dry, free-flowing materials. Hammer mills operate on the principle that most materials will grind or crush upon impact with the hammers. The material is fed into a hammer mill from the top and gravity falls into the grinding chamber. The material is contacted by a series of rotating hardened hammers. The material is ground by repeated contact with these hammers, contact with the walls of the grinding chamber, and particle to particle contact. The material remains in the grinding chamber until it is suitably sized to pass through the perforated screen that covers the bottom half of the grinding chamber. We offer six (6) models in our line of commercial hammer mills. The output, or rate of production, of the hammer mill is dependent upon the screen size, shaft speed which is typically 3,600 rpm, and the configuration of the hammers. We offer hammer mills in a bottom discharge configuration (gravity disch