Meadows Mills, Inc.
Meadows Mills 3 Saw
Meadows Vertical Edgers are available with 2 saws or 3 saws. In the 2 saw format both saw collars shift independently. In the 3 saw format the bottom saw and the middle saw shift independently. The top saw is attached to the middle saw by a fixed width spacer. The fixed width spacer can be constructed to yield any dimension. Meadows vertical edgers are available with an electric motor directly driving the mandrel of the vertical edger or with a belt drive from the mandrel of the sawmill to a gearbox on the vertical edger. A 40-hp electric motor is standard with the electric drive configuration, although larger electric motors can be provided at an additional charge. All Meadows vertical edgers include a welded steel frame with an adjustable base for easy mounting. All Meadows vertical edgers come standard with 2 15/16 inches diameter double-key mandrel. The mandrel is turned down to 2 3/16 inches and is fitted with Dodge Type E bearings. The float shaft, or shifting rod, on t