Carriages (Sawmill) For Sale
Carriages (Sawmill)
27 Results Found
McDonough Carriage with Track, 3 Head Block, 2 Pallets of Extra Parts, $38,500 FOB White Pigeon, MI call 574-370-5050
MLS Number 11917788 American Pioneer Circular Sawmill 2 head block carriage Touch screen setworks Joysticks Chain turner 50' frame Saws 16 ' logs
Cleeremen 36” Carriage - LH, 3 Head Block. 50.5 inch track width, center to center on the wheel, and 12 feet from outside axle to outside axle.
Cleereman 3 head-block carriage, Silva-Tech computerized set-works, 48' long track/frame, incudes cab, drive, husk and all controls, good working condition
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Cleereman Carriage PawTawJohn setworks and 3D scanner Three headblock model LPC-42 Four position dogs in/out and bottom dog turning Spare cylinders for all positions Spare top and bottom dogs 30 hp hydraulics
$ 180,000
2010 USED Cooper end dogging scragg mill. 6' to 16' length and up to 24" diameter log capacity. Includes: Operator's cab with joystick controls, COOPER scanning, computer controls, 150hp arbors, linear bearings for shifting saw husks, 56" inserted tooth blades, off bearing drop belts, hydraulic system,3-way separator outfeed roll case, electrical panel WITH starters. Spare parts included. Still running and can be seen until February 28.
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Corley 44-40 Tong Dog Carriage 4-heads 5 HP motor 18 foot long carrage Set works optional (not functional and Corley does not offer spares needed)
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MLS Number 11955127 Filer-Stowell42 Inch Sawmill Carriage No controls 200 HP DC drive motor Control cabinet and spare parts 125 HP DC drive motor also available at extra cost.
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HELLE 2, 3 and 4 Headblock Carriages. Several units -in stock- and ready for rebuild. Various openings and lengths
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HMC 50-DBES S/N AC50BD695-02 3 Hbd Carriage, 5x8 Cab, Mudata Scanner/Setworks, 55' Track
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HMC Carriage 5x10 Cab with controls System is already removed from service and ready to load. Notes from seller: Carriage is 17'1" longKnee spacing is 63" from 1 to 2 78" from 2 to 3 1 to 3 is 141 1/4" Carriage frame is 76 1/2 " wide Track centers are 62" Track rails are worn out. We used the old track frame for our new carriage
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2001 McDonough Precision Duty 42" Carriage. 3 Knees. Pantograph, UHMW Cant Kickers, Brownsville Turners on each Knee. Needs to be rebuilt and will come with a 1 year warranty (same as new).
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Saw Mill Saw Cabin Track (3) peace’s Drop belt Saw Log Turner and transition Log deck 200 HP motor for saw mill